Tuesday, July 02, 2013

The Journey Day 2

Now that you may have listened to my speech on my vision for the Frontier Division you may be wondering just what a Division Governor does? The hirearchy within the Toastmaster structure is as follows.

District - Within the district there are 10 Divisions
Division - Within Each Division there are 4-7 Areas
Area - Within each area there are 4-6 clubs
Club - each club should strive for 20 members but there is an average of about 14 members per club.

As Division Governor I oversee 6 area governors. I mentor and train my area governors. I conduct 2 Division Contests each year and I work with my  area governors to find new clubs and help build up and grow existing clubs. I also conduct and help area cgovernors conduct officer training.

Today I met with one of my area governors to discuss his plans for his area. Looking forward to my final three one on ones that I am having I had two of them last week and one today.

On Day two I found out that all the clubs in the Frontier Division earned their first point in the DCP program by turning in their officer lists. Congratulation Frontier Division clubs for 100%.

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