Sunday, October 06, 2013

The Journey Day 93

On Tuesday October 1st the Frontier Division Speech contest was held. What a fantastic event it was! We had 6 contestants for the Table Topics contest and 6 contestants for the Humorous speech contest. We packed the facilities with guests, contestants and helpers from across District 6. There were even a number of Toastmaster dignitaries there to enjoy the festivities.

As Division governor I have the task of putting together this contest. However it could not be possible with out great helpers and quality contestants. Leaders must always find those people who have the vision to take things to the next level. Whether you are leading a project at work, coordinating a special event or leading a department the most difficult thing in leadership is making sure you have quality people surrounding you.

The six area governors for the Frontier Division put on fantastic contests and sent quality contestants to the next level (The division contest). A big thank you to my 6 area governors, Ed Mason 21, Ellen Brockmann 22, Judi Holloway 23, Teri Recht 24, Jay Redington 25, Janice Janes 26. I have a great leadership team.

I will be sending a formal video thank you to all those who helped at the contest. I want to thank my Toastmaster Dan Grundtner for a job well done. Also the contest chair Cathy Olson who coordinated a great feast of food and helped with some finishing touches on the contest.

Most of all congratulations to the top three in each contest for giving a great Table Topics Response and a wonderful humorous speech.

Table Topics: 
3rd Place: Noel Field                                      

2nd Place: Stephanie Morse-Noland
1st Place: Brian Nordling
Brian Nordling, The Trio and me

Ashley Melville, The Trio and me

Humorous Speech:
3rd Place: Jason Sonnek
2nd Place: Jeffrey Fish
1st Place: Ashley Melville

Leadership isn't easy but it can be if you surround yourself with quality individuals who make leading easy. The first three months as Frontier Division Governor has not been easy but it has been fun and we are working to make new leaders in District 6.