Thursday, September 27, 2012

Leadership Lost

Have you ever been in a position where you feel lost? Where sometimes you are clueless to what is going on around you or worse clueless to the job you are supposed to do? Do you know of people, leaders or managers at your company who are in over their head?
Sometimes leadership is thrust upon people before they are ready and other times leaders are waiting too long to take over the reins. Today I am going to address the issue of those who have leadership thrust upon them. I have often wondered how people get put into roles of leadership when they aren’t ready.
I do believe that everyone has leadership potential but it just so happens that some aren’t ready for the responsibility of leadership until they have been trained or seasoned. Giving them smaller leadership roles is the ideal way to go instead of full responsibility. It might be that their leadership strength is in dealing with smaller roles or projects than overseeing a whole company or large group.
Leadership requires people skill and ability to do the small things while still focusing on the big picture. It is important for leaders or potential leaders to be ready for this. If you are in a position to create future leaders or mentor future leaders here are a few things to help you when working with those future leaders.
·         Work on their communication skills

·         Work on their people skills

·         Give them small opportunities to be a leader and expand as you go.

·         Give them responsibilities but not too much at first.

Over the next several days I will expand on each of these four items. Until the next time, “lead on”.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Average to Superior

Today I would like to analyze another leadership quote. From time to time I list a quote and then give my interpretation of the quote.
Today’s quote is found at
"Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people."
John D. Rockefeller
One of the biggest roles of a leader is to motivate and inspire average people how to do the work of superior people. This is a very true quote. Leaders are someone who is looked up to and sometimes even emulated. That leader needs to motivate the followers so they can reach their greatest potential.
I have been involved in Toastmasters for 7 years and when I first got into Toastmasters it was all about the communication aspect and the desire to improve my speaking ability to eventually become a public speaker. My focus has changed somewhat. I still want to be a public speaker but I really love the leadership portion of Toastmasters. It has been many of the leaders who I have met within Toastmasters who have inspired me to reach my greatest potential. It is those same leaders who have inspired me to do the work of superior people. I have never thought of myself as superior. It has been through Toastmasters that I am doing that superior work. Now I want to be a leader who will lead the next generation of Toastmasters into doing superior work in their lives.
Average can be above average and above average  can be superior. It is all a matter of motivation and inspiration from leaders who have led before you.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Spice it Up!

Today is my wedding anniversary. I am married to a wonderful woman and have enjoyed our 17 years together. I look forward to many, more years spent with my best friend and my love. What does this have to do with leadership? Leaders are sometimes in their leadership roles for years, 17 or more. They also may love their job and never want to leave that job. Just like a marriage leadership has its ups and downs but it is how you work through the difficult times and celebrate the good times.
In your leadership role are you stuck in a rut? Are you mixing it up and making it exciting? It is important that regardless how long you have been in your leadership role that you don’t take it for granted and you work through the tough times and celebrate the good times.
Here are some things you can do to keep that leadership role fresh.
·         Fall in love with being a leader again.

·         Celebrate special events with your followers

·         Find a creative way to overcome a tough situation

·         Vacation and really decompress from work, get away from it all.

·         Collaborate with your team on innovation, ideas and problems
I would love to hear from all of you if you have an idea to help keep your leadership role fresh. Don’t take your leadership for granted, instead spice it up with some new and innovative ideas.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Get To Know Them

Today the company I work for conducted the third installment of a meet and greet with the FLT (Finance Leadership Team). It is an opportunity for everyone in finance to meet four members of the FLT. We find out personal information and their perspective on things like work and life balance, stress and college degrees. It is an interesting and fun concept. It got me thinking about leaders and learning about leaders.
If you are a leader is it important for those who follow you to know about you? Do you think you are a more effective leader if followers have some personal information about you? I think you can be a much better leader if you let those around you in on your personal life. Why do I think this?
If people don’t perceive that the leader is above them and they see a human side to the leader they are more apt to believe them and buy into their vision. I’d rather follow someone who is like me and human then to follow someone who perceives themselves to be above those followers. Leaders lead because people trust them and like them, leaders don’t lead who look down on those around them.
Every company should institute a meet and greet of their leaders. Have social time so those in the company also will have an opportunity to mingle and speak personally with them. Who knows you might find out that the CEO has the same interest as you do. My daughter is a competitive swimmer and last year at a meet I saw our CFO didn’t know he had a child in competitive swimming but now if I get an opportunity I have a connection.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Learning Leadership

In today’s blog I am going to cite a leadership quote and then I will discuss my opinion of that quote. This is an occasional series I do. Sometimes I will read a quote or hear a quote and wonder how it fits in with the concept of leadership.
Today’s quote from Brainyquote

 "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."
John F. Kennedy

There is a lot of truth behind this quote. Leadership isn’t to be left stagnant once you reach a role as a leader, instead learning must continue so the leader can continue to grow and learn. I was thinking about this the other day when my daughter was complaining about doing her homework. I realized that children haven’t yet learned the importance of education. Education is really a lifelong pursuit. True learning becomes more defined as you get older but still learning needs to continue or you will fall behind.
Leaders cannot afford to fall behind they must keep up on all the current changes to leadership. President Kennedy was correct in his quote without leadership learning doesn’t occur and without learning leadership doesn’t occur.
If you want to continue leading then get out there and continue learning.

Monday, September 17, 2012


It all started tonight, the life group journey. I started a leadership life group at my church and tonight was the first night. I only had two people but it is a start. My question for the blog today, “as a leader, what things can you do to promote your project”?
My vision for my life group is to create a group in which we all can find out who we are and the gifts God has given us. Then take those gifts and use them as a leader in the church, community, home and work. Once a quarter we will spend some time volunteering in the community.
My hope is that people will discover their gift and use it for the glory of God and to help others. It will also help the person attending become a servant leader.
Here is my list of things a leader can do to promote a project.
·         Network – Find those you know and get them on-board with what you are doing.

·         Explain your vision – Hopefully this will help others capture your vision and get on-board with you.

·         Explain benefits – Help others understand exactly why it is good for them to partake of your project.

·         Lead – Be the leader you are supposed to be and stick with it until you find success.

·         Serve – Help others with their project then they will be apt to reciprocate the favor.

I plan to use as many of these as I can to promote my life group. I think if you use these in any project you are working on you will find others will be joining in on your project.
Let me know some suggestions you might have.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's All About Football

It is that time of year when there is a cool nip in the air at night, school is back in session and the sound of shoulder pads crunch against each other are present throughout the country.
Football season is here and leaders can spend their weekends enjoying every level of football. If you like you can take in a local High School game on Friday, check out a college game on Saturday and enjoy an NFL game on Sunday.
On Friday I was leaving a school with my daughter who is on a swim team and from across the street you hear the announcer at the High School football game. What a relaxing time it is to sit back in the cool crisp air and watch those High School players playing their hearts out for their schools. They are our future leaders and leading on the gridiron helps them with their leadership growth.
On Saturday the next level of football occurs in Colleges and Universities. You can spend a sunny fall afternoon enjoying your favorite college team. You will have an opportunity to see that next generation of leaders playing hard for the school that has given them scholarships. However many want to be leaders in football and not business, they should stay in school then they will be true leaders.
On Sunday you could take in a pro game and watch the current football leaders. See how the game has changed from High School to College to the pros. Most of all spend the time getting away from your hectic leadership life and just relax and enjoy autumn’s greatest game. Summer is reserved for baseball but autumn is reserved for the gridiron. Get out and enjoy those games regardless of the level.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

3 Days in the Belly of the Whale

What does a leader do when they are stuck in the belly of the technology whale for three days? Over the past three days I have been without internet service. Our wireless router died and we had to order another one. It has been like being in the belly of a whale for three days. I had no contact with the outside world. I didn’t blog for three days; I know you were all wondering where I was.
What can a leader do when you don’t have technology access for three days and you have to communicate? In today’s world where our lives depend upon the technology to get the work done it can become very frustrating when that which you depend upon is unavailable. I know what you are saying; “why didn’t I go to the Library?” I could have done that. I could have stayed later at work and did some things at that time. I prefer to do that work at home because it is separate from my job.
Here are some things leaders can do to be prepared for that time when they are stuck in the belly of the technology whale.
  • Have a back-up plan – If your computer goes down do you have other means to access your important information.
  • Use more than one way to access the internet – Smart phone can be a great way to do this.
  • If your router goes down have a way to still access the internet. – Take your computer to hot spots (Caribou coffee or Starbucks).
  • Go old school – Pick up that phone or paper and either call someone or write them a note. They will be shocked!
  • Get personal – If there are some things you can do face to face do them. It always is more productive to be face to face with someone especially if you are conducting business.
  • Enjoy the opportunity not to answer emails or go on the internet.

Be prepared so you don’t have to feel like you are stuck in the belly of the whale. You don’t want to miss out on important information or a great opportunity.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday and for the most part I had an enjoyable day. Didn’t really do anything too special except my kids made my special egg sandwich and served it to me in bed this morning and then for dinner my wife made one of my favorites, salmon loaf. Other than that I spent some time watching the Gophers win and the Twins win. I played a video game with my son and built with Legos. I spent some of the time cleaning and played my favorite game APBA Baseball.
Birthdays aren’t always big events as you get older it becomes the little things that make it special. The opportunity to have your family around and just spending time with everyone is sometimes gift enough.
What does this have to do with a leadership blog? All leaders have birthdays so as a leader take some time to celebrate your birthday. Obviously not everyone’s birthday is today or this weekend but whenever it is celebrate that special day. What makes that day special for you? Take time to enjoy the little things that make your birthday special. For me those little things are my kids wishing me a happy birthday throughout the day, the family allowing me a little ownership of the TV on my birthday. My four year old son wrapping up his own toys and giving them to me is also special. The homemade cards are also extra special.
Birthdays, sit back and enjoy those little things that make them special. It really isn’t about the gifts I get but about the people I spend the day with. I just wish my older daughters were closer and could spend time with me as well.

Thursday, September 06, 2012


Many people have a big BUT. No I’m not talking about the one on their back end. Instead I am talking about the one that comes out of their mouth. Everytime something is said these type of big BUT people always say but. They become skeptical of everything that is proposed.
I have been examining an article from called “5 Common Words that Create Failure”. Today I am on word 5 “but”. If you missed the previous four words I suggest you read the article and then come back and check my analysis of the words.
Getting back to those big BUTS, if you are a leader with a big BUT you will find yourself alienating those around you. They will be afraid to suggest anything for fear that you will have something to add. It is like those people who always say “oh we tried that before and it didn’t work” maybe they did something wrong and you have solved that issue.
The article suggests there is a replacement for the word but. Instead of using but try using “and”, this way it is not discounting the idea but is adding to it. It really is saying I like you idea and we should take it a step further. That adds more value to the idea and helps solidify you as a true leader.
So trim down your big BUT and become a true leader by adding to the ideas instead of discounting them.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Help Don't Hate

Have you ever heard the phrase “Don’t hate, appreciate”. A leader has to have that type of attitude to find success. I have been looking at an article found on titled “5 Common Words that Create Failure”. Today I am looking at the 4th word, hate.
Hate is a very harsh word and many people flippantly use it under any circumstance. However the only person that word hurts is the person using it. The article says it works like a cancer it ends up working its way through your language in everything you do.
Leaders need to use positive language. They need to appreciate those around them and those that make their leadership look good. If you hate something or someone they don’t really care and then you find yourself obsessing about that hate and losing focus on what really matters.
Leadership is all about leading showing everyone that even though the going gets tough you don’t hate those around you or hate the situation you are in. Instead you need to look on the bright side of everything and find the positives in all situations. I frequently get phone calls in the job I am in and I don’t always like the questions that I receive. Instead of getting upset and hating and despising those calls I look at them as an opportunity to help someone. That is what a leader does helps not hates.
Don’t be a hater instead be a helper and show your true leadership.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012


Last week I started discussing an article that talked about the 5 Common Words that Create Failure. We looked at the first two words last week and I plan to finish out those five words today, Wednesday and Thursday.
Today’s word is rejection. Nobody likes to be rejected and it has happened to all of us at one time or another. The key here is not to think of it as rejection but instead as motivation or growth. You do not want to let the word rejection enter your vocabulary. Especially as a leader you don’t want others to hear you using rejection as a scapegoat for your ideas.
Often times you will encounter people who may not like your ideas or your thoughts. That is okay it isn’t rejection it’s just your idea doesn’t line up with their vision. You just need to find someone who agrees with your idea. The other option is to realign your idea to match their vision. Remember, I said it isn’t rejection but it is motivation or growth. You may have to from time to time change your idea, modify your idea and motivate yourself to reach higher with your idea. Maybe it needs more substance.
Whatever you do don’t get dejected but instead grow. Don’t feel rejected but use it to improve and motivate yourself to be better.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Minnesota State Fair 2012

I spent the day at the Minnesota State Fair with the family. I said a few days ago that I was going to write about my adventure at the state fair after we went. Since we went today, Labor Day I am writing about leisureship on a Monday instead of the weekend.
The nice thing about the Minnesota State Fair is that they have a number of parking lots that you can park at and take a free shuttle bus to the fair. We did that so we didn’t have to pay for parking. My daughter won four tickets and my son is only four so all of us got in free today. That allowed us more money for food and fun. What did we eat and do at the fair today?
What we ate: (Some of this we shared other items were enjoyed by individuals).
·         Pronto Pup
·         Bucket of Fries
·         Cheese Curds
·         Smoothie (My Son had this)
·         Malts and cones in the dairy building (Nothing beats them)
·         Many beverages (Water, soft drinks and lemonade) it was hot today we needed to stay hydrated.
·         Corn on the cob (My daughter had this)
What we forgot to eat: (One reason or another we ran out of time or energy)
·         Mini Donuts
·         Sweet Martha’s Cookies
·         All the milk you can drink
·         Cotton Candy (My other daughter wanted this)
·         I really wanted to try the fish tacos but never got to the booth. (Food Bucket list for next year). One food that is not on a stick.
Food bucket list next year:
·         Fish Tacos
·         Chocolate covered key lime pie (I saw this booth and put it on my list for next year)
·         Fruit Kabobs
·         Chocolate covered bananas or strawberries
What we did:
·         Horse barn
·         Home Depot (My son made a bug collector)
·         Republican Booth
·         Pet Center
·         Giant Slide (The kids)
·         Haunted House (one daughter with her cousins)
·         Crossroads Chapel
·         Sports building with the Wolves, Wild, Vikings and others.
·         Fox Sports North
·         Horticulture building to look at the bees making honey
·         Live birth center.
What we missed:
·         Grandstand (Too hot and crowded to spend time in there)
·         Education Building (just didn’t get over there)
·         Toastmasters booth
·         MENSA booth
·         Midway (We never go here anyway, too hot and noisy)
I hope I made you hungry and longing for a trip to the Minnesota State Fair. You will have to wait until next year for that because summer is over and so is the State Fair. Another great 12 days!

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Labor Day

I am going to deviate slightly from my normal Saturday post. I usually post a leisure activity that leaders can do on those weekends to break away from the busy activities of a leader. Last week in fact I talked about the opening weekend of the Minnesota State Fair. The fair ends on Labor Day and that is the day my family is planning on attending.
What I will do is post my leisure post on Monday and give you some highlights of our trip to the fair. Today I just want to give a shout out to Labor Day and the end of summer. Technically it is not the end of summer but School is back and the days are getting shorter. Go out and spend this weekend just doing things you enjoy. Spend it with friends, family and yourself. Do those last things on your summer to do list.
What haven’t you done this summer that you wanted to do? Do it this weekend and enjoy these final days of summer.