Thursday, September 06, 2012


Many people have a big BUT. No I’m not talking about the one on their back end. Instead I am talking about the one that comes out of their mouth. Everytime something is said these type of big BUT people always say but. They become skeptical of everything that is proposed.
I have been examining an article from called “5 Common Words that Create Failure”. Today I am on word 5 “but”. If you missed the previous four words I suggest you read the article and then come back and check my analysis of the words.
Getting back to those big BUTS, if you are a leader with a big BUT you will find yourself alienating those around you. They will be afraid to suggest anything for fear that you will have something to add. It is like those people who always say “oh we tried that before and it didn’t work” maybe they did something wrong and you have solved that issue.
The article suggests there is a replacement for the word but. Instead of using but try using “and”, this way it is not discounting the idea but is adding to it. It really is saying I like you idea and we should take it a step further. That adds more value to the idea and helps solidify you as a true leader.
So trim down your big BUT and become a true leader by adding to the ideas instead of discounting them.

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