Thursday, September 13, 2012

3 Days in the Belly of the Whale

What does a leader do when they are stuck in the belly of the technology whale for three days? Over the past three days I have been without internet service. Our wireless router died and we had to order another one. It has been like being in the belly of a whale for three days. I had no contact with the outside world. I didn’t blog for three days; I know you were all wondering where I was.
What can a leader do when you don’t have technology access for three days and you have to communicate? In today’s world where our lives depend upon the technology to get the work done it can become very frustrating when that which you depend upon is unavailable. I know what you are saying; “why didn’t I go to the Library?” I could have done that. I could have stayed later at work and did some things at that time. I prefer to do that work at home because it is separate from my job.
Here are some things leaders can do to be prepared for that time when they are stuck in the belly of the technology whale.
  • Have a back-up plan – If your computer goes down do you have other means to access your important information.
  • Use more than one way to access the internet – Smart phone can be a great way to do this.
  • If your router goes down have a way to still access the internet. – Take your computer to hot spots (Caribou coffee or Starbucks).
  • Go old school – Pick up that phone or paper and either call someone or write them a note. They will be shocked!
  • Get personal – If there are some things you can do face to face do them. It always is more productive to be face to face with someone especially if you are conducting business.
  • Enjoy the opportunity not to answer emails or go on the internet.

Be prepared so you don’t have to feel like you are stuck in the belly of the whale. You don’t want to miss out on important information or a great opportunity.

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