Tuesday, September 04, 2012


Last week I started discussing an article that talked about the 5 Common Words that Create Failure. We looked at the first two words last week and I plan to finish out those five words today, Wednesday and Thursday.
Today’s word is rejection. Nobody likes to be rejected and it has happened to all of us at one time or another. The key here is not to think of it as rejection but instead as motivation or growth. You do not want to let the word rejection enter your vocabulary. Especially as a leader you don’t want others to hear you using rejection as a scapegoat for your ideas.
Often times you will encounter people who may not like your ideas or your thoughts. That is okay it isn’t rejection it’s just your idea doesn’t line up with their vision. You just need to find someone who agrees with your idea. The other option is to realign your idea to match their vision. Remember, I said it isn’t rejection but it is motivation or growth. You may have to from time to time change your idea, modify your idea and motivate yourself to reach higher with your idea. Maybe it needs more substance.
Whatever you do don’t get dejected but instead grow. Don’t feel rejected but use it to improve and motivate yourself to be better.

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