Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Political Profile

Your Political Profile

Overall: 95% Conservative, 5% Liberal
Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Ethics: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

How Liberal / Conservative Are You?/a>

Sunday, March 06, 2005

What are they afraid of?

The following link is an article by Jeff Johnson. The article outlines and discusses the democrats unification against the privatization of social security. What are the Democrats afraid of? Are they afraid they won't have enough money to use for their self serving social programs. Because if we privatize social security it will take money and keep it safe for each worker until they retire. Right now all the social security money is just puyt into an account and many politicians view that money as fair game to use as they please. Thus burdening and bankrupting social security. Also, we have about 4 workers supporting one soon it will be one to one. I know when I retire I would like to receive some money from social security, after all I have put enough into it.

Compassion, I don't think so!

The following article is by Albert Mohler and he discusses a law that is being introduced in California. I don't know about you but this is not what compassion is all about. Those liberals who believe this is the compassionate thing to do need to examine what compassion is really about. Those who were against abortion said this would be the next step. Those in favor said no way. Now we see our worst fears playing out. We cannot allow the left to railroad us into believing this is compassion. It is murder!!

For more on this my daughters blog talks about Terri Schiavo.

California Compassion Kills —Albert Mohler California is going to consider legalizing assisted suicide. State assembly members Petty Berg and Lloyd Levine--both Democrats--have sponsored what they call the "California Compassionate Choices Act," modeled after Oregon's infamous assisted suicide law.This is an ominous development, and the act's sponsors think they have a great deal of support. Assisted suicide is one of the main agenda items of the culture of death. The Oregon law was supposed to limit assisted suicide to the terminally ill and those suffering acute physical pain. We now know that those boundaries were crossed.The answer for suffering is pain management--not suicide. Doctors must not be transformed from healers to killers. Human dignity demands that life be considered sacred until natural death--not until an act of desperation.There is nothing truly compassionate about the "California Compassionate Choices Act." This law should be stopped in its tracks. Genuine compassion just doesn't kill. Albert Mohler is the host of The Albert Mohler Program. Read Albert Mohler's blog on Crosswalk.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Debunking Bushwhacking

The following is a little debate my daughter is involved in and I couldn't help myself but I got involved in it too. My statements are the first anonymous and at the end. To read the whole thing follow this link

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous said...
I'm sorry, but reading all of this is very disturbing. Chemist, you really need to understand bible theology better because Jesus came to this earth to die a horrible and gruesome death to save all of us from our pitiful and sinful selfs. But He also said "He is the Way the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through him." It is only by us repenting and humbling ourselves to him and seeking forgiveness and then putting our trust in Him that we will be saved. He also said He came with a sward in His hand. Sure be nice to people is correct and helping others as well. But Jesus never said it was governments role to help the poor it is the churchs role to help the poor. That is why Bush's faith based initives are so important. There is a rehab center called Teen challenge that has a success rate of over 80% and it is because they preach the gospel and not some feel good fellings so no one is offended.I also believe that you and Kafka need to do a little more research into the truth behind Bush's policies. You have twisted many of them and you need to listen to both sides of the arguement befoire casting judgement. I will expound on this later I have to sign off.
At 4:30 PM, The Chemist said...
Anonymous, I guess I don't understand what your criticism of me proves, or what point it's supposed to make. Maybe I have to wait for you to expound on this later.I'm not thrilled with your statement that I don't understand Bible theology, but I'll respond to it. "Chemist, you really need to understand bible theology better because Jesus came to this earth to die a horrible and gruesome death to save all of us from our pitiful and sinful selfs. But He also said "He is the Way the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through him." It is only by us repenting and humbling ourselves to him and seeking forgiveness and then putting our trust in Him that we will be saved."OK, I don't disagree with any of that. I can probably quote you chapter and verse where to find all those ideas in the Bible. Show me one post where I say something that contradicts your statements and I'll give you a cookie. " He also said He came with a sward (sic) in His hand."I assume that here you refer to Matthew 10:24, which says, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." In the Bible, the Word of God is described as being "sharper than any double-edged sword" (Hebrews 4:12) and a "sharp double-edged sword" coming out of the mouth of Jesus at the End Times (Revelation 1:16). Jesus here is saying that he came to bring the Word of God, which is capable of "penetrat[ing] even to dividing soul and spirit..." (Hebrews 4:12). For a look at Jesus' words on actual, literal violence, I refer you to Matthew 26:51-52, when Jesus is being arrested: "With that, one of Jesus' companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.'Put your sword back in its place', Jesus said to him, 'for all those who draw the sword will die by the sword'".Obviously you can see which one I think carries more weight. You can also see why I think that Jesus would not have approved of pre-emptive war, and why Bush is creating conflict between his words and the actions of the government that he controls."Sure be nice to people is correct and helping others as well. But Jesus never said it was governments role to help the poor it is the churchs role to help the poor. That is why Bush's faith based initives are so important. There is a rehab center called Teen challenge that has a success rate of over 80% and it is because they preach the gospel and not some feel good fellings so no one is offended."Great. I agree with you that faith-based programs are a good idea; I think that faith-based programs (like AA and many other drug treatment programs) do a great job. And I'm not very PC...I don't care if people get offended. And if you don't think it's government's role to help the poor, you must think that this falls to individuals to take care of. And I would agree with you; individuals should do more giving. Especially our President. As Joanna pointed out above, the man is worth billions, and yet he pledged only ten thousand dollars to the tsunami relief effort. He spends more on that every year in hay for the horses he's afraid of. "I also believe that you and Kafka need to do a little more research into the truth behind Bush's policies. You have twisted many of them and you need to listen to both sides of the arguement befoire casting judgement. I will expound on this later I have to sign off."I absolutely cannot wait. I can't speak for Kafka, but I would wager that I have read more about Bush's policies and the reasoning behind them than have a substantial fraction (say 3/4) of people that voted for Bush in the 2004 election. Question my opinions, but don't question the fact that I have come to them after hours of informed study. That goes for politics and religion.
At 5:53 PM, Amicus Curiae said...
Some administrative stuff-I really thought I'd never have to say this, especially on my own blog. But I think it's only courteous to own up to your posts...posting anonymously is not only cowardly but silly (are you that afraid of being stuck with your own words?). I say dumb things at times, but at least I own up to it (and I know others here would agree for themselves). Seriously folks, if you comment, then please make yourself known. I've never required commenters to be registered blogger users, but if people insist on coming up for guerilla commenting attacks then perhaps I will. Oy.
At 8:53 PM, B said...
I have been one of those posting as Anonymous. Is B any better? You speak of posting anonymously as cowerdly yet you yourself have a Pseudonym, Amicus Curiae. Isn't that just as anonymous? I thought the whole purpose for this type of blog was to spawn debate and encourage dissenting views to come to light. Does it really matter where they come from?
At 9:10 PM, Amicus Curiae said...
Golly, I didn't know I touched such a nerve. My point is that it's nice to have a sense of a commenter's personality...a point of reference if you will. When people post anonymously there's no way to have any continuity of identity for which to hold someone by those things that they say (for better or for worse...just to know where everyone stands; it helps lift the fog from the room). My other point was that posting anonymously is cowardly for the very reason that people can pop up and drop a few bombs without being identified with (and held accountable for) their remarks. So yes, this blog is to help foster debate, and this is best done when one has some sort of idea with whom he's debating. I have a very fine reason for posting under a pseudonym, but I'm not "anonymous." You know my personality, my opinions, and can better dialogue with me because you know whom to reference, etc. You can pick me, or any of these other folks, out of the room. But almost anyone can be "anonymous." That's why I respect "Poirot" so much--sure I have no clue who this person is, but I have a point of reference for all comments from him/her.
At 12:27 AM, kafkaesq said...
Anon #2- As you can see, having mulitiple anonymous posts in confusing, as AC said. You shouldn't be so quick to defend Bush against Chemist and I...until you do YOUR homework on what has actually transpired under his administration. Hint: look beyond talk radio and Fox news.I await your more specific response...
At 6:30 PM, The Chemist said...
It's been almost 2 think he's coming back? I can't wait to hear exactly why I am so wrong about Bush's policies and about how we have "twisted" our descriptions of what Bush has done while in office.
At 9:04 PM, Garth said...
I am anonymous #2. Sorry for not coming back sooner. I have been extremely busy. Let's talk about Bush's policies and hopefully you will have an understanding of where I am coming from. You speak of the war and the number of soldiers dead about 1400 to date. While that is not good for those families it is a by product of war. Those who enter the service are well aware of the possibilities and most welcome the chance to serve their country and even die for their country. The true number you should look at is the millions of babies killed through abortions, something Kerry and most democrats favor. Bush signed into law a ban on partial birth abortions a procedure in which the baby is partially born feet first and while the head is still in the birth canal a scissors is jabbed in the back of their heads and the brains are sucked out to allow easy birth for the mother. This is an atrocity that is supported by most democrats but not Bush. Do you believe in the sanctity of life? Marriage, bush favors marriage as solely between a man and a woman. Just how God designed it in the bible. In 7 states in the last election the people also voted in favor of this by overwhelming margins. To support gay mariiages goes against God's will and desire for mankind. The bible speaks of homosexuality as an abomonation. I can see that you have a good knowledge of the bible. But do you believe that it is truth and fully God's word. If you do you must believe all of it not part of it. That doesn't mean we hate the people we just hate the sin. Just like any sin that I or anyone else commits.Taxes: Did you receive a tax refund a few years ago? Thanks to Bush he has reduced our taxes. Now if you want to pay more go ahead and send some money to the government. But I am going to keep mine so I can help stimulate the economy. The war: Take a look at what Saddam did to his people. Mass killings, dipped them in acid to name a few. Iraq was an outpost for terrorists along with Syria and Iran, a safe haven for them to carry on their evils. While we sat around for months waiting for the weapons inspectors to go into Iraq Saddam moved his WMD's out of the country. They are probably in Syria or Iran. America can no longer depend upon other nations to help out because France, Germany and Russia conducted weapons for oil programs, that is why they didn't want to go into Iraq and help us out. Did you support Clinton when he sent troops into Bosnia during those atrosities? If so you should support Bush.President Bush is a great leader. He has vision and direction and wants only the best for this nation. He won't sell out to special interest groups and he is a man of his word. What he says he will do he attempts to do it. Even Mohmar Khadafi (sp) knows this. Bush told him to give up his weapons or we would be coming in to his country. He gave them up because he knew Bush would follow through. Do you want a man of confiction or one who flip-flops?


Psalm 98:9
For He is coming to judge the earth. With righteousness He shall judge the world, and the peoples with equity.

Many people speak of God as a God of love. And while I agree God does love us, He is also a judge. He judges all of us by the same standards. This is an impartial love in which no partiality is shown, only equity. He judges us by righteousness through His Ten Commandments, and He judges Jews and Gentiles by that same standard. How do you match up to His standard? I have failed often. As it says in Romans 3:23: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Many of us are familiar with court cases as we watch them on TV or read about them in the papers. However the problem with man's courts is that some people are judged less equally than others. It seems that when high profile people commit crimes, they are shown more leniency than the common person. But under God's kingdom it doesn't matter who you are or what you have done. All of us will be treated exactly the same and judged by the same standard.

The important issue is will God find you innocent or guilty? As I stated in the previous paragraph, none of us will pass His standards. We will all be found guilty. God has a right to send each of us to hell. Just like earth's courts we must either pay a fine or do some time. If we do the time we will spend eternity in hell. But someone paid our fine. Jesus died on the cross so that we don't have to do the time. But you must repent of your sins and put your trust in Jesus for that fine to be fully paid. Don't find yourself in front of God on judgment day without having that fine paid. It will be too late. Repent today and put your faith and trust in Jesus.

Repent of your sins. Ask God for forgiveness. Thank God for the gift of His Son Jesus who died on the cross for your sins.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Brood of Vipers


Luke 3:7-8
Then he said to the multitudes that came out to be baptized by him, "Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, "We have Abraham as our father. For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.

What is a viper? And why was John the Baptist calling people who came to be baptized a brood of vipers? Are you a viper? I will hopefully answer these questions and more as we look at this verse a little closer.

According to Websters dictionary a viper is a poisonous snake or a malicious or spiteful person. And the Greek word "echidna" also means a poisonous snake. So why was John calling these supposed followers a group of poisonous snakes? I believe he addresses that in the lines that follow his statement. You see those people didn't understand the truth they believed that if they were baptized that everything would be fine. Just because they are baptized into Abraham's family doesn't mean everything is going to be okay. John makes it clear that they need to bear fruit worthy of repentance. It was not enough just to get baptized but he wanted those people to also live the life worthy of being baptized. Many churches baptize infants and many of those families believe that their child is now safe. Their child is now a member of the family of God. This is not necessarily true. Two important items stand out in these verses that will solidify anyone's entrance into the family of God.

First: Repentance: If we repent (To feel sorry for) of our sins and ask God for forgiveness then we have taken the first giant step towards having God as our Father. Second: Bear fruits: put your trust in Jesus Christ and start living a life that is truly worthy of the sorrow you feel for the sins you have committed. How dedicated are you to Christ? He was devoted to you so much that He died for your sins. The people in these verses were just getting baptized for safety reasons. Because they have Abraham as their father. John didn't want the poison of a false conversion infecting the world when he was preaching of the Truth to come. If we don't repent and put our trust in Jesus then God will find others that will want to enter the kingdom of heaven. Are you poisoning the church or not?

Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead others to understand and accept the truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for the nations devastated by the tsunami.