Monday, January 03, 2005

Brood of Vipers


Luke 3:7-8
Then he said to the multitudes that came out to be baptized by him, "Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, "We have Abraham as our father. For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.

What is a viper? And why was John the Baptist calling people who came to be baptized a brood of vipers? Are you a viper? I will hopefully answer these questions and more as we look at this verse a little closer.

According to Websters dictionary a viper is a poisonous snake or a malicious or spiteful person. And the Greek word "echidna" also means a poisonous snake. So why was John calling these supposed followers a group of poisonous snakes? I believe he addresses that in the lines that follow his statement. You see those people didn't understand the truth they believed that if they were baptized that everything would be fine. Just because they are baptized into Abraham's family doesn't mean everything is going to be okay. John makes it clear that they need to bear fruit worthy of repentance. It was not enough just to get baptized but he wanted those people to also live the life worthy of being baptized. Many churches baptize infants and many of those families believe that their child is now safe. Their child is now a member of the family of God. This is not necessarily true. Two important items stand out in these verses that will solidify anyone's entrance into the family of God.

First: Repentance: If we repent (To feel sorry for) of our sins and ask God for forgiveness then we have taken the first giant step towards having God as our Father. Second: Bear fruits: put your trust in Jesus Christ and start living a life that is truly worthy of the sorrow you feel for the sins you have committed. How dedicated are you to Christ? He was devoted to you so much that He died for your sins. The people in these verses were just getting baptized for safety reasons. Because they have Abraham as their father. John didn't want the poison of a false conversion infecting the world when he was preaching of the Truth to come. If we don't repent and put our trust in Jesus then God will find others that will want to enter the kingdom of heaven. Are you poisoning the church or not?

Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead others to understand and accept the truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for the nations devastated by the tsunami.

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