Leaving A Leadership Legacy

Great leaders leave a legacy. They leave a way that people will remember them by. What are you doing to leave a leadership legacy. I recently did a series on leaving a leadership legacy and I found there are two components to leaving a legacy.

This page is designed to give you a summary of those items as well as links to my blog articles on each of those items.

The spiritual side of leaving a legacy.
The leadership side of leaving a legacy.
  • Vision quest - All leaders must have a great vision and be able to share it with others.
  • Which direction - Every leader must be able to give clear and concise directions so others will know their expectations.
  • Future leaders - Every leader must be able to raise up and train successors and future leaders.

Do you have what it takes to leave a leadership legacy. Follow the above 6 items and you will be leaving a great legacy.

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