Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Help Don't Hate

Have you ever heard the phrase “Don’t hate, appreciate”. A leader has to have that type of attitude to find success. I have been looking at an article found on titled “5 Common Words that Create Failure”. Today I am looking at the 4th word, hate.
Hate is a very harsh word and many people flippantly use it under any circumstance. However the only person that word hurts is the person using it. The article says it works like a cancer it ends up working its way through your language in everything you do.
Leaders need to use positive language. They need to appreciate those around them and those that make their leadership look good. If you hate something or someone they don’t really care and then you find yourself obsessing about that hate and losing focus on what really matters.
Leadership is all about leading showing everyone that even though the going gets tough you don’t hate those around you or hate the situation you are in. Instead you need to look on the bright side of everything and find the positives in all situations. I frequently get phone calls in the job I am in and I don’t always like the questions that I receive. Instead of getting upset and hating and despising those calls I look at them as an opportunity to help someone. That is what a leader does helps not hates.
Don’t be a hater instead be a helper and show your true leadership.

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