Saturday, September 01, 2012

Labor Day

I am going to deviate slightly from my normal Saturday post. I usually post a leisure activity that leaders can do on those weekends to break away from the busy activities of a leader. Last week in fact I talked about the opening weekend of the Minnesota State Fair. The fair ends on Labor Day and that is the day my family is planning on attending.
What I will do is post my leisure post on Monday and give you some highlights of our trip to the fair. Today I just want to give a shout out to Labor Day and the end of summer. Technically it is not the end of summer but School is back and the days are getting shorter. Go out and spend this weekend just doing things you enjoy. Spend it with friends, family and yourself. Do those last things on your summer to do list.
What haven’t you done this summer that you wanted to do? Do it this weekend and enjoy these final days of summer.

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