Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Birds

Watched The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock. It is a timeless classic. It gives you the suspense and thrill of a horror picture but it isn't just about blood and guts like the movies of today. It gives you something to think about. It gives you that thought "what if". What if a group of animals, in this case birds rose up and decided they were not going to take it any longer. Could humans fend off an attack if all birds united against us. How about other animals? Or all animals came together.

Humans are the most intelligent beings on this planet but we are not the most numerous. Makes you think that you might not want to do anything to make an animal mad.

What other classics leave you thinking and wondering "what if". If you have never seen this movie I recommend you do so. I won't give away the ending. Go out and read it and then come back here and leave me your comments on what you think about the movie.

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