Bin Laden, the mastermind behind 9/11 has been killed. After almost ten years since the devastating attack of 9/11 a covert operation by American special forces have found and killed Osama Bin Laden. This is great news, good job!
Two questions arise from this monumental incident. Will this drastically change the face of terrorism in the world? I do not believe it will. America and the world should still be alert and on guard. I believe that this incident may even increase the possibility of terrorism. It will be viewed as retaliation for the killing of their leader. Don't let your guard down, stay vigilant America.
The second question: Did Barack Obama just solidify himself a second term as President? I think he did. This may seem callous but President Obama just accomplished what America has been trying to do for almost ten years. This will be a huge feather in his cap. The only way he could mess it up is if he continues to lead our nation down the primrose path of socialism. If he continues to tax all of us to death and spend our tax dollars like a drunken sailor. Wait, maybe he won't get re-elected, after all this seems to be the path he wants to take us down.
Now that Bin Laden is dead lets focus on getting our economy back. Cut spending, and cut taxes that will jump start the private sector, increase jobs and help the economy grow.