Friday, December 15, 2006


Matthew 26:35
Peter said to Him, "Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!" And so said all the disciples.

How much conviction did Peter feel later on in this story? If you remember he did end up denying Jesus three times because he feared for his life. How much conviction should we feel for doing the same thing? If you have given your life to Jesus you in essence have told Him that you will not deny Him and that you will stand up for your beliefs and faith. Have you done that 100% of the time? What does it mean to stand up for your faith and not deny Jesus Christ? In the story of Peter he was around a group of people who identified him as a follower of Christ. He said he was not. At one point he even started cursing and talking badly about Jesus just so he could prove to the people that he was not a follower of Christ. For us in 2006 it really is no different and this time of year is a true test of our faith.

Are you willing to die for Jesus? After all He died for you. It is up to us to defend the name of Jesus and all that he stands for. There is much talk about Christmas and the use of Christmas in today's advertising, greetings and commercialism. Many stores or advertisers choose to use Holiday instead of Christmas. But if we look at the history of Christmas it truly is a pagan festival. The idea of Santa Claus, giving gifts is all rooted out of a pagan festival the birth of Jesus was later put to this day to give some religious signifigance to the holiday. Now that we are celebrating Jesus' birth on the 25th of December we should truly recognize and celebrate it for that reason and that reason only. How much of Christmas do you spend worshipping and praising Jesus? While it is good to stand up and defend our faith at Christmas why not defend it the rest of the year. What about at Easter? How about the media constantly cutting down and degradcing Christians? How about the courts or the government allowing abortions and same sex marriages? Are we as Christians going to stand up and defend our faith in these matters as well. Are we going to pay money to places that support these activities? How about movies and the immorality that most movies portray? If we don't stand up and defend our faith we are as guilty as Peter.

Let's keep celebrating Jesus all year around then it won't matter if people say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. But let us also stand up for our faith every chance we get. Do this by the way we live, talk and act. Do this in our giving and our fellowship. Don't deny Christ but instead live in his victory over death and that sacred gift we received on His birth.

Pray for boldness to stand up for what you believe in. Give thanks for the gift of Jesus and eternal life. Pray for opportunities to tell others about Jesus.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hot Air Blowing in the Windy City

The following excerpt is found at this link the Hugh Hewitt website. I suggest you read the whole story. My comments follow this excerpt.

Yesterday the City of Chicago successfully pushed the German American Chamber of Commerce to drop New Line Cinema's The Nativity Story as a sponsor the traditional German Christkindlmarket. City officials said the new film --segments of which were going to play on televisions at the market-- "might offend non-Christians."

Chicago, the windy city. Seems like a lot of hot air is blowing out of the mayors office in Chicago. This is ridiculous to drop a sponsor because a few people might be offended by the images of the story of Christs birth. Nobody is complaining about the offensive material we see daily on our televisions or that run in our movie theaters. Where were these people when the movie Saw III was been shown in theaters or for that matter trailers of that movie on TV. Aren't the horrific images portrayed in movies like Saw III more detrimental and offensive to the public than the beautiful birth of Jesus.

I can tell you the difference. For me if something offends me I just don't pay my money our go to that event. If people are going to be offended by the birth of Jesus then they don't have to go to this event being held in Chicago. Instead these people insist we change and they call Christians intolerant if they don't change. The true intolerance comes from their hypocrisy of allowing what is right for them but not allowing what is right for others.

If they don't like it then don't go!! I really believe their biggest fear is that they might hear the truth and "the truth will set them free" John 8:31. Instead of living a life of sin they will have to live a life committed and devoted to Jesus Christ.

For those public officials in Chicago who find the message of the Nativity Story offensive I say "Don't go to the festival and stay away from the movie." After all you don't want to be brainwashed into believing the truth.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Chick Flick or not Chick Flick

Chick Flicks, the bane of every man's existence. Granted many of these so-called "chick flicks" do have quality acting and beautiful scenery. They are however wrapped in frustration and sprinkled with teasing romance.

Men need to feed their thirst for movies on the action and speed that is represented in such fine movies as Mission Impossible or any Bond movie or any movie that contains car chases and blowing up of buildings and vehicles. Sure men like a good love story but it needs to be raw passion and not repressed love. I however don't recommend a movie full of nudity and promiscuous sex, these scenes are worthless and unnecessary.

I admit it! Yes I have sat through my share of chick flicks. Some much better than others but I would never recommend a chick flick to my friends or relatives. Instead I like to recommend those with suspense, action or humor. With that said here is a list of 10 all time got to see movies. Some of these are old and some more recent than others. While some may have nudity I recommend turning your head, after all you must remain true to the one you love.

Animal House
Any Star Wars movie
The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Rear Window
The Birds
The Great Escape

Please add your comments and I will gladly continue to add to this list if I agree.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Giving Thanks

It is two days before Thanksgiving and it is time to reflect on those things that we can give thanks for. Just yesterday a group of Muslims were removed from a plane in Minneapolis as it taxied and readied for takeoff. These Muslims were standing in the plane and praying, they were asked to sit down and they refused. They were then removed from the flight. Was the reason they were asked to sit down because they were Muslim or because they were in violation of safety rules on a crowded airplane? I think it was a safety issue.

It is nice to know that we live in a country where we can pray. It doesn't matter whether you are Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Jew or some other religion. You have a right to worship any god that you want to worship. The problem is there are safety issues involved when standing on a plane that is getting ready for takeoff.

It is also interesting to note that if you are a Christian and you decided to pray or worship Jesus in a public setting and it was in a Muslim nation you would immediately be thrown in jail and possibly killed. There may not even be a safety issue involved. It is against the law in every Muslim nation to worship Jesus, read the bible, pray (unless to Allah), and tell others about your faith.

America you can do all of the above without retribution. It doesn't even have to be directed at Jesus. However there are places that it may be inappropriate to do so. When a plane is preparing for takeoff is one of those times because of safety.

Give thanks for this great nation. Be thankful for the freedom we have. We need to let that freedom ring and not allow others to turn our nation into a nation of oppression.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Show Me The Way

Matthew 23:27
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like the whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness."

Jesus was confronting the scribes and Pharisees to inform them that though they appeared righteous on the outside they were just as sinful on the inside as anyone else. I believe that Jesus confronted them for two reasons. First; He wanted everyone to know that we cannot put the holy and righteous up on a pedestal. If we do, we are bound to get hurt.

Many of you may have heard or read the recent story about Ted Haggard, the former head of the National Association of Evangelicals and ex-pastor of New Life Church in Colorado. His experience demonstrates the fallibility of man and how it doesn't matter who you are, you can cave into temptation. Those who are leaders in our church are under a lot of scrutiny but that doesn't mean they should come under attack from other people. After all, it says in Romans 3:10: "There is none righteous, no, not one." and in Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

We all are sinners, so who are we to ridicule and point out the sins of others. Instead it is the reaction to such behavior that is the true telling sign of one's character. If we sin, we need to repent of those sins ask God for forgiveness and work on not sinning again. We can do this by following Jesus and the example he set before us.

The second reason Jesus could point out the sins of man was because He is the only one who had never sinned. He is the only one righteous enough to point it out without being a hypocrite. He used this verse as a way to separate Himself from man and show that He is truly the Son of God. Jesus is the only one we should be putting on a pedestal and worshipping. He is the only one who would not sin. He also said the He will never leave us or forsake us. So instead of pointing out the wrongs of others, we need to recognize the wrongs in ourselves and repent of those sins and turn and follow Jesus. It says in John 14:6 that Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life and no one can come to the Father except through Him.

Which way are you going to go, the way of man or the way of Christ?

Pray for those around you. Pray that you will follow the Way. Repent of any sins and worship Christ in all that you do.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Rosie O'Donnell

When Rosie O’Donnell said “radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like the United States,” she generated a lot of controversy. Various segments of the population – especially those who are conservative Christians – had a strong reaction to her words. To learn how Americans react to a television personality challenging the nation’s most widespread faith, read the latest Barna Update. To get this free, brief report, click here on the link below or go to and click on the main story.

Please read the full story of the above excerpt from the Barna Group.

I would like to comment on those words spoken by Ms. O'Donnell. These words were likely spoken out of hate and based on the images that the dinosaur media projects about Evangelical Christians. Statements like these from celebrities are generally shallow and based on no foundation of truth.

If Rosie O'Donnell were to really dig deep and read both the Bible and the Koran she would she a huge contrast in ideologies. The bible does have it's share of wars and violence but all to make the point about Jesus and His perfection and saving grace and the fallibility of man. Jesus never commanded Christians to kill others if they didn't believe instead the bible says that "the truth will set us free." And Jesus said He is the Way the Truth and the Life.

Ms. O'Donnell, the bible also says that someday every knee will bow and tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Maybe you should use your tongue to confess this today instead of bad mouthing something you know nothing about.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Are We Falling Behind?

The link I have included is a compilation of some business executives who write about what they are seeing in the math ability of their employees.

Is America falling behind the world in math education? I would hope not. However trends seem to suggest otherwise and the linked article is just an example of what the business world is seeing as repercussions to America's lack of quality math education.

Jim Miller of the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute asked in the article why the University of Wisconsin offers a course that is primarily about adding fractions. This is a trend we see far too frequently in colleges and Universities around the country. It is my belief that this is caused by the lack of basics and number sense being taught in elementary schools. Miller goes on to say "There's almost no accountability now. Students are not being challenged. If they feel good, they think that's enough. I don't think that's enough. 'Feel good math' is not good enough." I agree with Mr. Miller. Many schools have adopted a "Feel Good" attitude about math. They incorporate integrated math curriculum that is designed to make the child feel good. Students will feel much better and have a better attitude if they are given the skills to be successful. Schools don't hold students back anymore they pass them through regardless of the competency level.

We need to get back to holding schools, teachers and students accountable. We need to teach math to kids in a way that makes sense to them. We need to also get back to the basics and then also challenge students to expand their thinking and have a hunger for mathematics.

Mathematics is what drives the world. Great inventions, logical ideals and everything made by man required some sort of mathematics. For America to continue to be a leader in technology we need to teach the future of tomorrow stronger more viable math skills. If schools can't do it then it will force parents to seek outside resources for helping their child to be successful in mathematics. Where do you stand on this issue?

The Aftermath

Well, it is the day after election day. The Republicans are licking their wounds and the democrats are celebrating. However all is not lost. We need to remember that if you are a Christian that you do not hang your hat on the results of these elections. God is still on the throne and still in control. There are many things positive or negative that can be taken from this night.

Many of the democrats that won are moderates. That could and hopefully will send a message to the likes of Nancy Pelosi that America is not as liberal as she thinks.

All of the bans on same-sex marriages were passed. Praise the Lord for family and the sanctity of marriage. We should be concentrating on solving the problem of divorce not allowing people to marry anyone or any thing and I think America has spoken.

This also gives the Democrats two years to mess up and not win the 08 Presidential campaign and lose seats in 08.

It also hopefully sent a message to the Republicans to stand firm on their platform and don't move away from the values and ideas that made them the Grand Old Party.

Americans are more conservative than the media or Democrats want us all to believe so Republicans need to stay the course on the conservative values and America will vote them in.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mel Gibson

All of hollywood is screaming that Mel Gibson is an Anti-semite because of racial slurs he made while drunk. I do not at all condone his behavior and it is absolutely wrong for him to make such comments. But it is interesting to note that those who scream and call him names are the very ones screaming for the United States to not support Israel. Seems to me they are the true Anti-Semites. They don't want Israel to protect themselves from terrorists instead they want them to stop the protecting and sit back and get killed themselves. Those in Hollywood should look at reality and stop hiding behind the fictious world that they live in and have created for themselves. Mel has apologized and I hope he makes amends for his words. Now it is time for Hezbollah to apologize to Israel and make amends for their actions.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


1 Kings 18:17-18
Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to him, "Is that you, O Troubler of Israel?" And he answered, "I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father's house have. In that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and have followed the Baals."

Have you ever been blamed for something you didn't do? Unfortunately, this is what happens to Christians all over the world. We are made to look like the troublemakers and the ones who are unloving or uncaring. There are those out there claiming to be Christians who make claims that the true Christians are real fanatics and that the Bible really isn't God's Word.

What do you believe? Do you believe that Jesus is truly God's Son? Do you believe that the Bible is the inherent word of God? Do you believe that the only way to get to heaven is by repenting of your sins and putting your faith and trust in Jesus Christ? There are so many different Christian denominations that believe different things but they may be Christian in name only. What about other religions? The Muslims worship a god and read the koran both of which advocate killing the "infidels" (non-Muslims) all the while claiming to be a religion of peace. The Hindus worship thousands of different gods, putting their faith and trust in man-made statues. All Christians claim to do is to worship the God who was willing to sacrifice His only Son so that we might live. All we have to do is recognize that we are sinners and in need of a Savior. Have you done that?

Today's media even tries to shed a negative light on Christianity, especially if it is not the soft and unobtrusive Christianity that many denominations have begun to adopt for the sake of political correctness. In our verse today, Ahab was trying to make Elijah out to be the bad guy. Elijah quickly called him on it and explained why Ahab was truly the troublemaker. As Christians, we need to stand up for the truth, stand up for what we believe. If someone says something bad about Christianity or Jesus, explain the errors of their ways by backing it up with God's Word. We cannot let the Ahabs of this world dictate to others what is and isn't truth. We know that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. Let others hear that and follow God, not the Baals of this world.

Pray for a boldness to speak out. Pray for those who are lost. Pray for the salvation of those in religions that speak against Christ.

Monday, June 26, 2006

The Five Senses of Faith

  • VERSE:
    Philemon 1:6
    That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

    How is the sharing of your faith? I have come to realize that the Bvftd is a way that I share my faith. Being away from it means the sharing of my faith is less effective. It is important that when we find something that we know God wants us to do that we stick with it and be committed to it. Ultimately it is our sharing of our faith that can change the world for Christ. In this world today where more and more people are turning from God we need to work on turing them back to God. Sharing our faith and sharing the message of Christ is the only way that we can help lead others into the Kingdom of God. How have you been on sharing your faith?

    So how do we share our faith with others. I like to think of it as the five senses of sharing our faith. Let's take a look at each of our senses and see how they help us share our faith.

    Sight - We can share our faith by what we watch. If we watch what the world watches our faith is no better than the worlds. No one will believe the sincerity of your faith sharing if you have the windows of your soul looking at ungodly images. Be careful what you watch so others can see a vision of Christ within you.
    Hearing - We can share or faith by what we listen to. If we listen to ungodly music and this that put down and degrade Christianity then we are no better than the world around us. No one will listen to us if we allow our ears to burn with the sounds of evil. Be careful what you listen to so others will hear the testimony of Christ in you.
    Taste - Have you ever heard the slogan "you are what you eat"? What comes out of our mouth is as important as what goes in your mouth. We taste the sweet elixir of sin and we find ourselves using our mouths for sin instead of spreading the gospel of Christ. If you use foul language and then turn around and use that same mouth to witness you have just destroyed your credibility. Be careful what you say, we want others to speak of the voice of Christ within you.
    Smell - Summer is a time of wonderful smells, from the smell of a newly mown lawn to a backyard barbecue. But as Christians we also need to have a nose for sin. We need to understand it and know when it is around. When we smell the stench of sin we must let others know so they too can be aware of the danger approaching. If you warn others of the stench of sin they will smell the sweet aroma of Christ within you.
    Touch - Sometimes our actions speak louder than words. In the case of this sense it is important that we walk justly. Our good deeds and actions are a by-product of our faith not the means to get to heaven. If others see us behaving in a way that is pleasing to God it will give us an opportunity to explain our faith to them. You need to walk in the precepts of God so others see the actions of Christ within you.

    In conclusion: Follow the five senses of faith and your faith will become effective because Christ is within you.

    Pray that God will help your faith become more effective. Pray for loved ones and friends who don't know Jesus. Let Christ be your senses as you pray for a closer walk with Him.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Have you ever wondered why students in the United States have been performing so poorly in Mathematics? It's not that math is hard. It's not that students are stupid. It is all in the way students learn and specifically how they learn math. We need to teach them math in a way that makes sense to them. Type in "Math Wars" in Google and see what you find. Let me hear what you think. Thanks!!