Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Toothless Leadership

I have been having a tooth ache for a while so last Friday I went in and they said I need to have a root canal done. I know what you might be saying what does this have to do with leadership? While I sit and try to manage my pain until I go in for my root canal on Monday I find myself thinking about what the dentist said. He gave me two options, “root canal” or “pull the tooth”. Since it is a molar back next to my wisdom tooth we decided it was best to keep the tooth that is why it will be a root canal and not a pull.
Leadership can be like this tooth. Is your leadership methods worth saving or should you pull the plug on your failed leadership skills? Leaders should always be evaluating their leadership skills to determine if the method they are using is a valid method. Does that method work or has it run its course?
When your leadership skills only need a tweaking or some minor adjustments it might be a good idea to save that leadership style. It might be time to give your leadership a root canal. Dig down deep to the root of the problem and drill out what is bad and bothering you with your leadership skills. Then when you are done pack it with fresh leadership material. If you do this you will find yourself chewing on positive leadership skills in no time.
When your leadership has gone south and nothing seems to be working you might consider pulling that skill. It might be you aren’t cut out for leadership and you have to pull the plug on your failed experiment. Sometimes being a toothless leader is better than trying to deal with the pain of leadership. Trying to deal with the pain and suffer through poor leadership will only make others resent you and not want to follow you. Time to get out that pliers and pull that bad leadership. Then you can start over by using another method or approach.
What is it for you? Are you ready for a root canal on your leadership or are you going to pull the whole project?


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