Thursday, November 15, 2012

UFO Leadership

Yesterday I looked at Bigfoot leadership. Today I will continue on with the myth idea and look at UFOs and leadership. Whether you believe in UFOs or not you have to admit the idea of life beyond earth is interesting. You might be one of those people who has been abducted by aliens and even been aboard their ship or maybe you don’t believe in any of that. Regardless we can learn some lessons about leadership from UFOs and our belief or unbelief in those UFOs.
A UFO is an unidentified flying object. Are you the type of leader who no one recognizes? Do you think you are a leader but you aren’t that would be a ULO Unidentified Leading Object. Don’t be that ULO instead make your leadership known and become recognized as a leader among leaders.
A UFO is out of this world. Are your leadership ideas crazy and out of this world? As a leader you do need to be an outside the box thinker but don’t have far out ideas that aren’t successful. Your ideas need to be reasonable and they must be successful.
According to the myth of UFOs they also come to earth to take over the world. Don’t be a leader who walks into a situation and tries to take over. You have to be a leader who learns about the situation and then makes reasonable decisions based upon the information you have. Often times leaders just take over and overhaul everything when it isn’t necessary.
Are you a UFO leader or a down to earth leader?

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