Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Expanding Your Imagination

The link I sent yesterday to Ron Edmondson's blog about the 5 aspects of the heart of a leader had five great aspects. We will spent the next five days unpacking each of those aspects to see how you can change your heart or if you have the heart to be a leader.

5 Aspects of the Heart of a Leader

Leadership isn't for the weak of heart. It is for those who have a heart for people and leading others to success. Today's aspect is Imagination.  It is the imagination to dream big and to fulfill those dreams. It is the imagination to think outside the box. The imagination to dream of ways to do things differently, use your imagination to accomplish great things. Mr. Edmondson used the story of Joseph who was a dreamer to illustrate all of the aspects. As Mr. Edmondson said Joseph saw the big picture and he also dreamed big.

Let's take it a step further. Imagination is about dreaming and dreaming big but it is also about having a vision and creating a mission to meet those dreams. Dreams are just dreams unless they can come to life. Think about those years when you were a child and you found yourself daydreaming about being the hero or traveling in space. Those were dreams and maybe some came true and some didn't. For those dreams that came true what was it that made them come true?

For me I always wanted to be a professional baseball player. That was a dream that never came true, why, because I didn't have the talent and I didn't have a vision that I was willing to work toward. On the other hand I had a dream to be a teacher and help children find success in mathematics. That was a dream that came true because I had a vision for success and I worked the plan to completion.

As a leader is there something you are dreaming about doing? Don't let it be just a dream. Dream big and create a vision and a mission for your dream and then work hard to accomplish and complete your dream. Make your dream become a reality and use your imagination to dream even bigger.

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