Monday, March 26, 2012

Opportunities Knocking

Once you become a leader opportunities will present themselves to you. Opportunities to share your expertise in your area of knowledge. Opportunities to make sure your company is shown in a positive light. Opportunities to be a leader among your peers.

Have you ever been asked to speak at a conference or a workshop? If you have were you prepared? Did your company allow you to speak? Is speaking a passion of yours or do you feel like a fish out of water when you are in front of a group?

I often hear people who are offered speaking engagements yet they are horrible speakers. They use too many filler words and their voice is boring. They are offered those roles because of the position they hold, that doesn't mean they are good speakers. Leaders need to recognize their strengths and tap into them. If speaking isn't one seek help before accepting a speaking engagement.

Here is a list of things you should do before you accept any speaking engagement.

  • Make sure you have experience being a public speaker. Toastmasters is a great organization that will help you be prepared to speak.  Toastmasters International
  • Make sure you know your topic. Don't accept a speaking engagement if they are speaking about finances but your area of expertise is marketing.
  • Make sure you get buy in from your boss. It is nice if you are your own boss then you can accept the speaking engagements that best fit your skills.
  • Don't be afraid to say no. You don't have to accept everyone that comes your way. Some may not be a good fit and you attending will be worse than saying no.
  • Research the organization you will be speaking at. I spoke at a rotary, before hand I read about their group so I could tailor my speech toward the specifics of their group.

Please for the sake of your audience come prepared to be a dynamic speaker if offered an opportunity to speak. Practice, do your homework and enjoy the time you have to share your knowledge.

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