How does this relate to leadership? Leaders have gadgets that they can use to help them be successful leaders. Today I would like to discuss some of those gadgets that you can use as a leader. You might not really think of the following as gadgets, they are more like resources. Leaders have many resources they can use to help them be successful leaders. Here is a list of some of those resources.
- Human Resources - They are the experts in human capital.
- The IT Department - They are the experts in dealing with the real gadgets, your computer.
- Finance - They got the money and they know how to use it.
- Marketing - They can market your brand
- Procurement - They can get you anything (of course you will have to speak with finance about the money).
Tap into these leaders within your organization and you will find you will be a better leader. They are experts in certain areas and should be used whenever possible.
Don't forget the most important resource the people working for you. They are your sidekicks, they help you look good. If you hire the right sidekicks they will have your back and you will be a great leader. Batman wasn't great because of himself it took Robin to help Batman be successful.
Holy leadership Batman, don't forget to use all those great resources!
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