How is your leadership language? Do you talk the talk but not walk the walk? There are many people out there who talk a good game but when it comes to producing results they fall flat. Leadership is no different. There are many leaders out there who do a good job pretending to be leaders but they have nothing to show for all of their talk.
It is not about how good you look in that leadership role it is all about whether you can get the job done or not. This holds true for political leaders, business leaders, family leaders and church leaders. It doesn't matter what your leadership role is you need to get the job done.
There are many leaders out there you have made a great living leading groups of people down an imaginary primrose path. The whole time they collect the big bucks but the others do all the work and the leader has had no vision except to line their coffer with the sweat of those they lead.
Don't just talk, be a leader of action. Do what you say you are going to do. If you fail admit that you failed, pick up the pieces and come up with a better plan. Failing won't necessarily hurt your leadership role but trying to hide the failure or not admitting you failed will hurt your plan.
You want to lead by example then own up to your responsibilities as a leader and follow through on what you say. Leading is a tough job and it requires hard work. There will be ups and downs of leading but you must react to both in a positive manner and use it as the driving force to make you better.
Start speaking the language of leadership and do what you say you are going to do. Over the next several days I will look at some leadership quotes or terms and define them in light of today's post.
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