Sunday, March 04, 2012


Are you a collector? As a hobby do you love collecting things? There are many different things you can collect, it really becomes a personal preference. Collecting is also a great way to relax and escape from the busy life of a leader. It can be therapeutic to pull out your collection and look at what you have gained. There is also a joy and a pleasure in spending the weekend looking for that elusive piece to your collection.

It might be that you enjoying reading about your collection. Looking up those pieces that are very rare, those pieces that you only hope could be part of your collection, the famous Honus Wagner card, or the double eagle $6 gold piece. Whatever it is that you collect or desire in your collection try to spend some time this weekend looking at your collection and enjoying it.

I collect baseball cards even after all these years. I enjoy seeing who I get when I purchase a pack of cards. Since I am from Minnesota I always hope for the Twins. It is part of the game and thrill of collecting.

Here is a list of some things people collect. I would love to hear what it is that you collect.

  • Sports Cards
  • Coins
  • Stamps
  • Books
  • Star Memorabilia
  • Antiques
Enjoy the weekend with your favorite collection.

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