Monday, August 13, 2012

Lost Listening

Leadership is about communication. If a leader can’t communicate they can’t express their vision and others will be unable to grab a hold of the vision. There is a part of communication that is becoming a dying art. That part is listening. I have been observing and I think less people out there are good listeners.
Listening is essential to understanding the needs of others and then being able to react to those needs. This is one of the components of a great leader. However, I believe listening is becoming extinct. More people want to hear themselves speak and pontificate instead of listening and serving the needs of others.
Take some time to really observe conversations and see if I’m not right. You will listen to oneside of the conversation and the other person will then talk about something completely different. It is no longer about the other person but it is about the “me”. It has almost become a competition, can you out anecdote the other person without really listening or even speaking with value.
I like to pride myself on the fact that I am a good listener. You know you are a good listener when you know more about the person you are speaking with than they know about you. Isn’t that the best way to sell to someone? Ask them about themselves and find the product that best fits their needs.
Once you have listened and understood what was said you can communicate your plan and your vision. If you have been listening then your plan and vision will meet the people’s needs. When that happens they buy into your vision and they in turn want to listen, communicate and serve.

Be a leader, Be a listener!

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