Monday, August 27, 2012

Servant Legend

I put a shout out to a leader group on Linkedin to see if they could nominate anyone for the Legends of leadership piece that I do. So far I have received three good suggestions. Today I am adding my next person to my list of Legends of Leadership.
It is my belief that the best type of leadership is Servant leadership. It is the highest calling of leadership it allows the leader to serve and thus lead the way that others should serve. With that in mind the latest addition to the legends of leadership is Robert K. Greenleaf (1904 – 1990). Robert Greenleaf is the founder of servant leadership although he wasn’t the first to perform this style of leadership he is the one who coined the term “servant leadership”.
Most of the following information can be found on the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership website. What does Mr. Greenleaf’s resume and accomplishments look like?


·         Director of Management Research at AT&T
·         Lecturer and Teacher at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, Harvard Business School, Dartmouth and University of Virginia.
·         Speaker, writer and consultant
·         President and Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership.


·         Published “The Servant as Leader” essay which launched the servant leadership movement.
·         Coined the term “Servant Leadership”
·         The Center for Applied Ethics was renamed the Robert K Greenleaf Center.
·         Wrote other books  on Servant Leadership

Robert Greenleaf’s legacy and legend lives on every time a leader practices servant leadership. It is through his great work in this field that we as leaders can grab a hold of a leadership style that will bring satisfaction to our lives.

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