Thursday, August 09, 2012

Gold Leadership

Today we finish our look at Olympic leadership by claiming the gold medal of leadership and standing proud to say that we have reached the pinnacle of leadership. That doesn’t mean that once you are working at the gold standard of leadership that you sit back and don’t look to improve. Regardless of what level of leadership you are at you always want to look for ways to improve and make yourself even a better leader.

What does it take to be a gold leader?
Let me share an Olympic story. A few days ago the Men’s 400m race was run. The gold medal winner of that race was Kirani James from Grenada. It was the first medal won for the country of Grenada. It was what Kirani did during the semis that makes him a real gold medal winner. After he won his semi final race he went over to a South Africian runner, Oscar Pistorius. Kirani exchanged name tags with Oscar. It is my understanding that this is a sign of respect to the other athlete. You see, Pistorius is a double amputee and the first one to compete against able bodied competitors. Kirani James gets it, the Olympics is about the human spirit exceeding all expectations to do and be the best you can be. The true winner in the games is Kirani and Oscar.
To be that gold leader you must do the following.
  • A gold leader is a servant leader. Serving others and seeing the true value in those around you.
  • A gold leader has a vision that isn’t about themselves but about the success of others.
  • A gold leader makes decisions that allow them to be change agents.
  • A gold leader has the respect of everyone because of their knowledge and their unselfish leadership.
  • A gold leader is brave and willing to go and do things that have never been done before.

Be a gold leader be like Kirani and Oscar, go where no one has gone before. Be a true gold leader by serving others and becoming that servant leader. Envision yourself standing on the top podium earning the applause and respect of those lives you have touched with your leadership. Go for the Gold!!

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