Saturday, August 11, 2012

Golf Tournament

This leadership blog that I have created discusses, analyzes and explores everything about leadership. If you have been following my blog you might say that the weekends I deviate from the idea of leadership and explore activities, events and fun things to do. I call that leisureship. All leaders need a break from the craziness that can be leadership. What I decided to do with my blog is present leadership throughout the week and leisureship on the weekends. With the leisureship portion I highlight some things that Leaders can do during their time off to refresh and renew.
Today I spent the morning at the annual Deluxe golf tournament. I have been attending this for five years now and I am really enjoying the time I spend at it. It is a scramble format and we form our own teams. I was the captain of our team and we had a great time despite me not golfing as well as I would have liked. As a team we shot 2 under. We had to use 4 drives from each player with three holes to go our team had to use 2 more of mine and one of someone else’s. See how poorly I was driving. Fortunately I hit two good drives on the first two holes of those three and we ended up doing well. Of course we didn’t win.
Thank you Deluxe and Oak Glen for another great tournament and another year of fun on the course. 
If you are a leader you may be invited to participate in tournaments of this sort. Accept those invitations and go have fun. Even if you aren’t much of a golfer these types of tournaments fit well for all levels of golfers. The next time you have some time off go golfing and enjoy the camaraderie and the fun side of a frustrating game.
Of course this weekend was also the PGA championship and those players make it look easy. Playing in a best ball scramble format helps us duffers feel like we can play with the McElrory’s of the world.

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