Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Decade Leadership

One of my goals for writing this blog is to come up with fun yet relavent ways to address the idea of leadership. Many of you may understand the various styles of leadership. However, making comparisons to everyday things helps to drive the ideas home.

I recently did a series on leadership which compared aspects of leadership to superheroes. It was a fun series and I really enjoyed writing about it. May wheels in this brain of mine continue to squeek as I look for other fun ways to present leadership. I think I came up with the next one and I really hope you like it. I am going to look at leadership styles through the eyes of each decade. Decades are known for certain events and I will compare those events to leadership styles.

I am also on the look out for great leadership articles written by others that I can highlight and talk about. If you find any or write any yourslef let me know.

Here are the decades I will be comparing to leadership.


Let me know if there are any other decades you would like me to include. Join me tomorrow as I start this fun topic. You will get a chance to reminicse and also find out what type of decade leader you are.

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