Tuesday, April 03, 2012

The Real Superheroes

I have been spending some time examining leadership through the powers of Superheroes. It has been fun and has given me material for a training session on leadership. To finish this series on leadership and superheroes I would like to address those superheroes who live among us.

Back on September 11th 2001 when terrorists flew airplanes into the twin towers those firefighters and policeman who came to the rescue are the true heroes. They unselfishly risked their lives to save others. Maybe you know one of those firefighters or police officers. Firefighters and police officers risk their lives everyday to save others. This is true leadership.

That is what a real superhero does. They give of themselves sacrificially to help others. They lead by doing and not wanting recognition. They humble themselves to make others better.

Are you a super hero leader? Are you the type of leader who is willing to do what it takes to make sure others are successful. Those superhero leaders are servant leaders. I have looked at servant leadership but I only spent one day on servant leadership. It is my belief that it requires a deeper focus.

I am going to spend the next several days taking a closer look at servant leadership. It is the leadership style of Jesus. Sit back and reflect how you can be a servant leader as you read and enjoy my blog.

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