Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Servant Leadership

Over the past five days, not including the weekend, I have been looking at servant leadership and the ultimate servant leader, Jesus. What are some things you can do to become that servant leader. First of all let's remember that Jesus performed many miracles as a servant leader. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind and fed 5000 with just a meager child's lunch. We can't come close to doing the things Jesus did but if we seek first His kingdom and righteousness He will be able to help us in all that we do.

The first step to servant leadership is to humble yourself to God. Here is what we looked at this week and how they can help you become a servant leader.

  • Washing Feet - Serve first then lead later.
  • Ransom Note - Give your live a ransom and serve others.
  • Socialization - Dig in and interact with your employees.
  • Attitude - Serve with Attitude. Have the attitude of a servant leader, always willing to give.
  • Secret - Serve in silence and reap your higher calling reward.
 What is your serving attitude? Do you think about serving first and then leading? If so that will get you further than trying to lead first. Leaders should really be servants first. Read back through my posts for this week and think about ways you can be that servant first. If you do you will really see your leadership skills soar.

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