Friday, June 22, 2012

Festival Trifecta

For festival Friday today I am going to let you do the looking. Of course I will try to make it easy for you by providing some quality information for you. Here is how this will work. I am going to highlight three festivals, one from Minnesota one from Colorado and one from Massachusetts. I will also provide a link for each of the sites I used so you can do some further searching if the one I highlight isn’t to your liking.
Minnesota: This is my home and it is crawling with festivals or events every weekend. Here is one I found that takes place every Saturday on one of the most beautiful rivers around.
Wine and Chocolate or cheese cruise: This is the wording from the festival information
Enjoy fine chocolate or cheese and wine from a local winery, Winehaven, and a romantic dinner at sunset aboard one of our authentic paddlewheel riverboats on the Scenic St. Croix River. This festive three hour cruise also includes a narrated scenic tour of the valley, live music, cash bar, and reserved seating with a buffet style meal. Reservations and prepayment are required. Visit or call 651-465-6315 to make reservations

Get more Minnesota Festivals HERE

Colorado: My Daughter and my sister live here. Not where this festival is taking place but in Colorado. Maybe they can head over to this event and get me some bacon. Love the smell and taste of bacon.

Blue Ribbon Bacon Tour:
Bacon - Pronunciation [bey-kuhn

Get more Colorado Festivals HERE

Massachusetts: The state my wife most wants to visit. Especially the Boston area. Here is one my wife might like. We love the big band music and swing music.

Summer Stroll:

Join Alan & Luan of Dance2Swing and the D2S HepCats
For The Downtown Multi Event Summer Stroll in
Leominster, MA

We will be ROCKIN’ AND ROLLIN’ in front of
Mia Bella’s Spa, 12 Main St.
with DJ AlanHep2theJive

Multi Events, Classic Cars, Swing Dancing, Music, Parade,
Face Painting, Food and more!
Prize For The Best Rock n' Roll Geek
Rain Date: Sunday, June 24, 2012
Get more Massachusetts Festivals HERE
Enjoy a festival or a special event this weekend. Check out where you live.

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