Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tough Decisions

One of the most difficult but important things a leader must do is to make those tough decisions. Sometimes those decisions will not sit well with some people other times the decision will be met with confrontation. Leaders need to be able to make those tough decisions and stand by those decisions. An example is making a decision to downsize and having to let people go. I have been involved in a number of company buyouts where the company I worked for was purchased and a majority of us were let go. It is a tough decision for those companies to make and the employees are always upset.
Another example is the decision you might make as a parent to move your family. Uproot them to a different location. It never sits well with the kids especially if they are teenagers. Just like companies downsize this tough decision has to be made and people have to live with it. What can you do as a leader to make sure those affected by your decision can make the transition smoothly? Here are some ideas that will help you be the leader who not only makes the tough decisions but helps those affected deal with the tough decision.
  • Communicate – Let them know well in advance of your intent and don’t downplay what can happen. In one of the company downsize that I was a part of we were told everything will be fine no one will lose their job. They needed to communicate better.
  • Compensate – Give the people good compensation a good severance package is always nice and helps soften the blow. As for your kids if you are moving let them have a say in rooms etc.. you can compensate them in ways that will help soften the blow for them.
  • Coordinate – Give everyone an opportunity to express their opinion but also give them the tools necessary to help them make that transition. For your employees it should be the availability for them to find a job. There are many companies out there who help people in transition to make it go smoothly. If you coordinate this for them they will know you care about them and it isn’t just about the bottom line.

Use these three Cs to help those affected by your tough decision make the transition smoothly and without incident. It isn’t easy to make that decision but you aren’t the only one it is tough on. Be a people leader and Communicate, compensate and coordinate those you are influencing with your decisions.

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