Thursday, June 28, 2012

Leadership Gone Bad

I am going to deviate from my normal series to write about the most devastating leadership blunder in history. Today the leaders of this nation took a giant step backward in their efforts to be leaders. The Supreme Court upheld Obama care and thus begins the slide of America into the world of socialism. No longer will we be the home of the free and the brave. Here is why. 

Brave leaders take a stand for truth and justice they stand firm on the principles that made this nation great. Being a brave leader doesn’t mean selling the American citizens down the river of tax and spend. Being a brave leader means being able to make the tough choices that will help everyone and not just the select few. 

Being a leader who believes in freedom is a leader who will allow the people to have a choice, a choice to decide for ourselves if we want medical coverage or not, a choice to decide what doctor to see and when to see them. Being a leader who believes in freedom is a leader who doesn’t put constraints on freedom of choice.  

A leader who leads a nation should be a leader who speaks the voice of the people. They listen to the people and regardless of what they believe they make rational decisions based upon the framework of the nation. 

America is a far cry from the America that the founding fathers envisioned. It is not the America that I was born into. It is now an America burdened with debt, taxes and regulations that restrain the freedom of its people and hamper the progress of innovation, education and philanthropy.  

The liberal leaders are not brave they are cowards trying to oppress the people so they can gain the power to manipulate others into their socialist ideals.

Let’s take America back and bring it back to its prosperous glory days. Send a message this November by voting for true leaders. Leaders who serve the people not oppress the people.

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