Have you been enjoying my leadership walk through the decades of the 20th century? We started in the 1920s and have compare leadership styles to the roaring 20s, the depression and dustbowl of the 30s and World War II of the 40s. Today we are going to look at the 50s.
The 1950s, the decade after World War II. The decade that saw the rise of communism and the cold war. The 1950s also saw the rise of rock and roll and the television. It also had its threats as America feared the threat of nuclear proliferation and a space race between Russia and America.
What do the fifties tell us about leadership? Some words come to mind when I think of the fifties, lasting innovation, competition and reactionary. The events that occurred in the 1950s were not all positive. The Korean war happened and the threats of communism and nuclear weapons also were evident. I want to focus on the positive aspects because I believe the negatives helped to make the positives stronger.
If you are a 1950s leader you thrive on competition, you want to be the first to reach those places that your company has never gone. You are also a leader who is on the cutting edge of innovation and that innovation will last and be improved upon throughout the years. You are also a leader who reacts to things in almost a quick or sudden fashion. You don't want to be left behind and you don't want your competitors to gain the upper hand.
Are you a 1950s leader? Do you have that cutting edge innovation like Steve Jobs. Look at how the television has improved since its inception in the early 50s? If you believe you are a fifties leader then grab a hold of your innovations and then lead the way into the next decade with some great ideas.
Thanks again to Wikipedia for the information and the picture.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Rainy Day People
Yesterday I blogged about my son's t-ball game getting rained out, it was rescheduled for today and we got it completed. Fun time watching those t-ball kids hit the ball and run station to station around the bases.
- Clean your house.
- Finish that book.
- Do some long awaited remodeling.
- Work on some crafts.
- Cook and share some of your favorite comfort food.
- Catch up on some movies.
- Have an indoor picnic with the kids.
- Play a board game with the kids.
After that rainy day are you refreshed and ready for your leadership duties?
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Rained Out
I was supposed to spend this morning
at my sons first tee ball game. I am serving as the assistant coach and I am
very excited about the season. Today they were also going to kick-off the
season with a parade of teams for all of the Coon Rapids Little League teams.
None of it happened, rain and cold cancelled the parade and the ball game. The
first game is scheduled for tomorrow and the parade for next Saturday.
It got me thinking, since it is a
weekend we want to look at what I call leisureship, ways for leaders to relax
and do something different than their normal leadership routine. Volunteering
is a great way to do something different than your normal leadership routine.
Volunteering can take on the role of
being a leader but there are many ways to just volunteer and not take a
leadership role. Volunteering is a great way to spend your weekend or even your
weeknights. What are you passionate about? Do you have a heart for the
homeless? Do you have a hunger for the poor? Maybe you enjoy working with youth
or the elderly? There are many opportunities to volunteer your time.
Here are some volunteer
opportunities. Maybe one of these will tug at your volunteer heart. If not
there are plenty more.
· Coach a youth sports team.
· Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
· Take part in feed my starving children.
· Sponsor a child in another country.
· Volunteer at your child's school.
· Volunteer at a nursing home.
· Help at the Humane Society.
· Volunteer your time at your church.
For more visit this site "Volunteers of America" and find a local office or just do a Google search of
volunteer opportunities in your community.
Friday, April 27, 2012
1940s Leadership
We made it through the troubled times of the 1930s. But as we enter the 1940s most of the world is at war. America has yet to enter World War II but it is only December 1941 when the Empire of Japan attacks Pearl Harbor. This forced the United States into World War II and we would fight on two fronts the Pacific and the European. Most of the first half of the 1940s was spent at war.
Out of this war came some positives. The creation and invention of computers, nuclear power and jet propulsion were created for the war but the capabilities of each of them have last and even become more sophisticated and refined. Another positive from the war was the sacrifices made by everyone for the sake of the cause and also a coming together as one to make the most of a tough situation. Many professional athletes suspended their careers during the 40s all in an effort to serve the country.
What kind of leader are you if you are a 1940s leader? This is the type of leader who will suddenly find themselves in the middle of battles between other people. They will eventually be pulled into those battles and that leader may suffer much because of their involvement in those company battles.
This is a leader who despite being thrown into situations will find themselves creating things that will help them or others out of the situation. What they create becomes a lasting fixture with the framework of the company or even society as a whole. Think of it as someone who is caught in a battle between two people within their company and this leader is able to come up with a process solution to end the battle. That process however is important and continues to be used long after the initial battle is finished.
The 1940s leader also is someone who sacrifices much for the greater good. They are also able to rally together like minded people to solve the problems and create better innovations.
The 1940s leader is a mediator who sets aside their own ideals and pursuits for the success of others. They also are outside the box thinkers who can come up with lasting solutions that become better over time.
Are you a 1940s leader? Do you have the mediator mentality? Are you willing to sacrifice your own time and efforts to help those who are embattled.
Thanks to Wikipedia for the 1940s facts and the picture.
Out of this war came some positives. The creation and invention of computers, nuclear power and jet propulsion were created for the war but the capabilities of each of them have last and even become more sophisticated and refined. Another positive from the war was the sacrifices made by everyone for the sake of the cause and also a coming together as one to make the most of a tough situation. Many professional athletes suspended their careers during the 40s all in an effort to serve the country.
What kind of leader are you if you are a 1940s leader? This is the type of leader who will suddenly find themselves in the middle of battles between other people. They will eventually be pulled into those battles and that leader may suffer much because of their involvement in those company battles.
This is a leader who despite being thrown into situations will find themselves creating things that will help them or others out of the situation. What they create becomes a lasting fixture with the framework of the company or even society as a whole. Think of it as someone who is caught in a battle between two people within their company and this leader is able to come up with a process solution to end the battle. That process however is important and continues to be used long after the initial battle is finished.
The 1940s leader also is someone who sacrifices much for the greater good. They are also able to rally together like minded people to solve the problems and create better innovations.
The 1940s leader is a mediator who sets aside their own ideals and pursuits for the success of others. They also are outside the box thinkers who can come up with lasting solutions that become better over time.
Are you a 1940s leader? Do you have the mediator mentality? Are you willing to sacrifice your own time and efforts to help those who are embattled.
Thanks to Wikipedia for the 1940s facts and the picture.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
1930s Leadership
I have started a leadership series in which we stroll through the decades of the 20th century and compare the events that took place during that decade with a leadership style. Yesterday we looked at the roaring twenties. A mostly positive and uplifting decade. Unfortunately today we will be looking at one of the more depressing decades of the 20th century.
When the stock market crash occurred in October of 1929 it spun the nation into an economic depression that lasted most of the 1930s. The 1930s became known as the decade of "The Great Depression". Many people lost their jobs and homes. To compound matters the nation's farmlands saw a major drought that lasted half the decade. This drought became know as the "dust bowl", it destroyed farms and lives. On a global scale the rise of a dictatorship in Germany occurred when Adolf Hitler took office. When he invaded Poland it started World War II. Franklin Roosevelt signed the New Deal (A bail out) to combat the great depression.
What kind of leadership style can we pull out of the 1930s? Not a very pleasant one. I would not want to be a 1930s leader. What are the traits of a 1930s leader?
A 1930s leader is a real self serving leader and leading in this manner will surely doom your leadership and the company. Focus on the philanthropist art of a 30s leader and let the rest blow away with the dust.
Thanks to Wikipedia for the information on the 1930s and the picture.
When the stock market crash occurred in October of 1929 it spun the nation into an economic depression that lasted most of the 1930s. The 1930s became known as the decade of "The Great Depression". Many people lost their jobs and homes. To compound matters the nation's farmlands saw a major drought that lasted half the decade. This drought became know as the "dust bowl", it destroyed farms and lives. On a global scale the rise of a dictatorship in Germany occurred when Adolf Hitler took office. When he invaded Poland it started World War II. Franklin Roosevelt signed the New Deal (A bail out) to combat the great depression.
What kind of leadership style can we pull out of the 1930s? Not a very pleasant one. I would not want to be a 1930s leader. What are the traits of a 1930s leader?
- Have your leadership skills and style dried up into Dust? You might have a dust bowl mentality when it comes to leadership. You might want to water the seed of leadership and keep it moist so it can grow and prosper.
- As a leader have you been spending frivolously and now everything is gone and you can't keep some of your employees? Maybe you are not a very financially sound leader and because of that your company has spiraled into their own great depression. People are losing jobs and lives are being turned upside down. You might want to watch your finances and surround yourself with financially secure leaders.
- Maybe you are the type of leader that wants complete control over everything. Maybe you have a dictator mentality. Be careful with this style because it will cause anguish and wars within the walls of your company.
- Maybe you have a bit of benevolence within you and want to help out others who are less fortunate. Don't bail them out with other people's money but use your own to help them and be a philanthropist.
A 1930s leader is a real self serving leader and leading in this manner will surely doom your leadership and the company. Focus on the philanthropist art of a 30s leader and let the rest blow away with the dust.
Thanks to Wikipedia for the information on the 1930s and the picture.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
1920s Leadership
What kind of decade leader are you? When I ask that question I don't mean that you might be an old fashioned leader, or that you can only lead in that decade. What I want to do with this comparison is look at a decade and determine what it was known for and then put that in terms of leadership.
Today we are looking at the 1920s. The 1920s were a fun time in America. It was a time of great financial prosperity after World War 1 and it was a time fun and frivolity. It was sometimes known as the Roaring Twenties or the Jazz Age.
With this in mind are you a 1920s leader? What does a 1920s leader encompass? In order to be a 1920s leader you must have the characteristics of the 1920s.
Are you a prosperous leader? Is everything you touch turning to gold. If the projects you work on or lead end up being huge successes you might be a 1920s leader. If while producing all of those successful projects do you find yourself and those around you having fun. Do you foster an atmosphere of fun where you work? If so you might be a 1920s leader.
With the onset of the Jazz Age it allowed for a sense of creativity. If your leadership is one of creativity, properity and fun then you might just be a 1920s leader.
Now the twenties and a 1920 leader isn't all positive. The twenties also saw prohibition and at the end of the decade was the huge market crash. As a leader do you prohibit those around you from finding success? Do you prohibit their creativity so you can be the one to get all of the fame? If so you may be on the road to a huge crash.
Don't let your leadership crash be fair, fun and prosperous and allow those who work for you and with you to share in the success. Then you will be a true 1920s leader.
The picture and the information about the twenties was courtesy of Wikipedia.
Today we are looking at the 1920s. The 1920s were a fun time in America. It was a time of great financial prosperity after World War 1 and it was a time fun and frivolity. It was sometimes known as the Roaring Twenties or the Jazz Age.
With this in mind are you a 1920s leader? What does a 1920s leader encompass? In order to be a 1920s leader you must have the characteristics of the 1920s.

With the onset of the Jazz Age it allowed for a sense of creativity. If your leadership is one of creativity, properity and fun then you might just be a 1920s leader.
Now the twenties and a 1920 leader isn't all positive. The twenties also saw prohibition and at the end of the decade was the huge market crash. As a leader do you prohibit those around you from finding success? Do you prohibit their creativity so you can be the one to get all of the fame? If so you may be on the road to a huge crash.
Don't let your leadership crash be fair, fun and prosperous and allow those who work for you and with you to share in the success. Then you will be a true 1920s leader.
The picture and the information about the twenties was courtesy of Wikipedia.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Decade Leadership
One of my goals for writing this blog is to come up with fun yet relavent ways to address the idea of leadership. Many of you may understand the various styles of leadership. However, making comparisons to everyday things helps to drive the ideas home.
I recently did a series on leadership which compared aspects of leadership to superheroes. It was a fun series and I really enjoyed writing about it. May wheels in this brain of mine continue to squeek as I look for other fun ways to present leadership. I think I came up with the next one and I really hope you like it. I am going to look at leadership styles through the eyes of each decade. Decades are known for certain events and I will compare those events to leadership styles.
I am also on the look out for great leadership articles written by others that I can highlight and talk about. If you find any or write any yourslef let me know.
Here are the decades I will be comparing to leadership.
Let me know if there are any other decades you would like me to include. Join me tomorrow as I start this fun topic. You will get a chance to reminicse and also find out what type of decade leader you are.
I recently did a series on leadership which compared aspects of leadership to superheroes. It was a fun series and I really enjoyed writing about it. May wheels in this brain of mine continue to squeek as I look for other fun ways to present leadership. I think I came up with the next one and I really hope you like it. I am going to look at leadership styles through the eyes of each decade. Decades are known for certain events and I will compare those events to leadership styles.
I am also on the look out for great leadership articles written by others that I can highlight and talk about. If you find any or write any yourslef let me know.
Here are the decades I will be comparing to leadership.

Let me know if there are any other decades you would like me to include. Join me tomorrow as I start this fun topic. You will get a chance to reminicse and also find out what type of decade leader you are.
Monday, April 23, 2012
It's Who You Know
Leadership isn't always about your skills or your knowledge but it is about who you know. Knowing the right people and being in the right place at the right time can be advantagous to your leadership career. I know a number of people who seem to have leadership roles plop in their lap while other people (like me) have to work their can off to maintain the status quo.
This is why regardless of who you are or what level you are at in your leadership path that you understand the importance of networking. Networking is the opportunity to meet other people who can help you find that customer, career change or colleague. The thing you must understand about networking is that it is not about you it really is about those you are networking with.
Lets take a look at what you can do for others in regard to customers, career change and colleagues.
Bottom line message today. Networking is about what you can do for those you are networking with. If you help them eventually you will be helped.
This is why regardless of who you are or what level you are at in your leadership path that you understand the importance of networking. Networking is the opportunity to meet other people who can help you find that customer, career change or colleague. The thing you must understand about networking is that it is not about you it really is about those you are networking with.
Lets take a look at what you can do for others in regard to customers, career change and colleagues.
- Customers - As you network ask many questions of those you are networking with. Find out what they do, what product or service they sell. Then make sure you think of some people that might benefit from that product or service. Then follow-up a week later giving that person the names of future customers. Be sure you clear it iwth those you know first before giving their name or you might lose some friends.
- Career Change - As a leader you might be in a position to hire. Ask questions to find out if someone is looking for a career change. Maybe you have an opening. If you don't have an opening maybe you know someone who does have an opening. Refer the career change person to the one looking for a new employee.
- Colleague - It is possible that as a leader you actually are a small business owner or want to be a small business owner. Networking can help you find a partner to go into business with. maybe you're the one with the dollars. Ask questions of those you are networking with to find if they have needs. Maybe your the one with the expertise. Again ask question to determine a need.
Bottom line message today. Networking is about what you can do for those you are networking with. If you help them eventually you will be helped.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
What Are You Running For?
In life there are many things you can run for. You can run for an office, you can run for your life and you can run for your health. This weekend as you relax from running your business or department take some time to think of ways your can run that will relax you.
Once you figure out what you want to run for spend sometime this weekend doing so. It is a great way to relax and take your mind off of the leadership responsibilities you have at work.
I have been spending some time looking at two things I want to run for. Sure might think the first one really isn't a break from leadership and you would be right. The difference is that it is a hobby of mine but it also helps me to improve my leadership.
I spent this morning at the District 6 Toastmasters Convention. I spent it there as a candidate for a Division governor position. I decided to run for an office. How it works at the convention is quite the experience. You spend some time in the candidates forum answering questions supplied by the audience. Then during the business meeting if the office you seek is contested you must give a 2 minute speech on why you should be voted in. It was a great experience and I probably will run again. I didn't win this time.
Now on to the next thing I am thinking of running for. At work we are starting a program called couch to 5k in 8 weeks. To get in shape I am considering participating in this and then after 8 weeks I will be able to run a 5k, gulp!
My question to all of you on this weekend of leisureship. What are you running for? Find it and run with it. Most of all get the support and encouragement of those around you. Hopefully once you decide what it is you are running for you will find it is relaxing.
Once you figure out what you want to run for spend sometime this weekend doing so. It is a great way to relax and take your mind off of the leadership responsibilities you have at work.
I have been spending some time looking at two things I want to run for. Sure might think the first one really isn't a break from leadership and you would be right. The difference is that it is a hobby of mine but it also helps me to improve my leadership.
I spent this morning at the District 6 Toastmasters Convention. I spent it there as a candidate for a Division governor position. I decided to run for an office. How it works at the convention is quite the experience. You spend some time in the candidates forum answering questions supplied by the audience. Then during the business meeting if the office you seek is contested you must give a 2 minute speech on why you should be voted in. It was a great experience and I probably will run again. I didn't win this time.
Now on to the next thing I am thinking of running for. At work we are starting a program called couch to 5k in 8 weeks. To get in shape I am considering participating in this and then after 8 weeks I will be able to run a 5k, gulp!
My question to all of you on this weekend of leisureship. What are you running for? Find it and run with it. Most of all get the support and encouragement of those around you. Hopefully once you decide what it is you are running for you will find it is relaxing.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Staying Focused
All this week we have looked at creating a leadership brand, thanks to a great article from the Harvard Business Review. That article laid out 5 steps to creating that leadership brand. I looked at each step and then added my own little twist as I examined it through the relationship between a leader and the company, customers and community.
What is the next step? I know I said there were five and there are but I am going to add a sixth. That step is to stay focused. Once you have created your personal leadership brand you want to stay focused on the prize. The prize of course is success. You want to make sure that your brand statement will be fulfilled.
Those plans and that statement is your vision for success. Stay focused and stay the course. There will be times when you might feel like giving up. The road will not be easy, it never is. If it is easy you must be on the wrong road. There will be hurdles and stumbling blocks that will get in your way. Jump over the hurdles and kick aside the stumbling blocks and continue on your way.
Stay focused and work hard toward fulfilling your brand statement.
What is the next step? I know I said there were five and there are but I am going to add a sixth. That step is to stay focused. Once you have created your personal leadership brand you want to stay focused on the prize. The prize of course is success. You want to make sure that your brand statement will be fulfilled.
Those plans and that statement is your vision for success. Stay focused and stay the course. There will be times when you might feel like giving up. The road will not be easy, it never is. If it is easy you must be on the wrong road. There will be hurdles and stumbling blocks that will get in your way. Jump over the hurdles and kick aside the stumbling blocks and continue on your way.
- Company - Tap into the resources the company has to offer. Find out people in your company who are experts in the area you need help in. Reach out to them for that help and stay focused.
- Customers - Think of creative ways to keep and get new customers. Times may get thin and it might be the same old same old. Ramp it up with innovative ideas. Fulfill the brand statement you made to your customers.
- Community - Co-workers and employees can help you be successful in your brand statement. Be prepared to help them if they need it. No good deed goes by without having to pay back. If your employees help you get stronger as a leader and help you fulfill your brand statement then be ready to help them with their statements.
Stay focused and work hard toward fulfilling your brand statement.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Walk the Talk
Now that you have created your branding statement it is time to live that statement. This week we have been looking at the five steps to creating a leadership brand. It is an article found at the Harvard Business Review. It is a great article that lays out the steps in a clearly defined fashion. I suggest you read it if you haven't done so. Then go back to my blogs over the past week and read my analysis and insight into leadership branding.
We are on the final step today. Make your brand real is the final step. It is taking steps 1-4 and living it out. Making sure that you are following through on your statements.
Step five is all about walking the talk. You said what you were going to accomplish now go ahead and do it. Have you ever had someone say they were going to do something for you but then they never followed through with completion. How did that make you feel? How did it affect your perception of that person? Do what you say you are going to do and live up to the expectations of your leadership brand.
Let's take a look at step five in relation to company, customer and community.
Now that you have that brand statement, go out and tell others who you are by walking the talking and living up to your brand statement.
We are on the final step today. Make your brand real is the final step. It is taking steps 1-4 and living it out. Making sure that you are following through on your statements.
Step five is all about walking the talk. You said what you were going to accomplish now go ahead and do it. Have you ever had someone say they were going to do something for you but then they never followed through with completion. How did that make you feel? How did it affect your perception of that person? Do what you say you are going to do and live up to the expectations of your leadership brand.
Let's take a look at step five in relation to company, customer and community.
- Company - If you take your leadership brand statement that you created as it applies to your company and make sure you live out your brand statement your company will take notice. If you make changes and innovatively create something your company will appreciate you. If you want more responsibility, or more pay walk the talk when it comes to your brand statement.
- Customers - If you tell your customers you are going to do something then do it. It will go along way toward the retention of those customers and when word gets out new customers will come. In a line from Field of Dreams; "If you do it they will come" I made a slight change. But if you walk the talk your customers will take notice.
- Community - Those co-workers or employees want to know that they can depend upon you. If you create a brand statement that reaches out to the community then walk the talk. Live that statement out and your employees and co-workers will love working for you and with you because they will know that you are a person of your word.
Now that you have that brand statement, go out and tell others who you are by walking the talking and living up to your brand statement.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Making a Statement
It is time for step four in creating your leadership brand. Time to pull together the previous steps into one nicely stated leadership brand statement. If you are just joining my blog I suggest you go back a few days and read the other articles on creating a leadership brand.
I found a great article on the Harvard Business Review and I have been taking the time unpacking the article and adding my own insight into the steps necessary for creating a leadership brand.
In step two you decided how you wanted to be remembered. In step three you created some branding phrases that identified your brand. Step four is about creating that statement. That statement that sets you apart and shows other who you are and what you want to accomplish. The article says that it is time to take your phrases and combine them with what you want to accomplish over the next year.
How does this relate to company, customers and community? What you need to do is create a brand statement that speaks to the company, takes care of the customers and shows support for the community. You could even create three brand statements one aimed at the company one at the customers and a third at the community. Companies that have strong brands have statements that reach the customer, a separate one that is geared internally toward the company and the community.
The article then addresses the need to ask some questions. You want to make sure your statement is accurate and identifies you as who you are and what you want to accomplish.
Is it who you really are?
Don't make some pie in the sky statement that sounds good but is one that you could never live by. It is like an elevator speech and it is your turn to turn heads but be true to yourself.
Does it give value to the company, customers and community?
Make a statement! Start building your brand.
I found a great article on the Harvard Business Review and I have been taking the time unpacking the article and adding my own insight into the steps necessary for creating a leadership brand.
In step two you decided how you wanted to be remembered. In step three you created some branding phrases that identified your brand. Step four is about creating that statement. That statement that sets you apart and shows other who you are and what you want to accomplish. The article says that it is time to take your phrases and combine them with what you want to accomplish over the next year.
How does this relate to company, customers and community? What you need to do is create a brand statement that speaks to the company, takes care of the customers and shows support for the community. You could even create three brand statements one aimed at the company one at the customers and a third at the community. Companies that have strong brands have statements that reach the customer, a separate one that is geared internally toward the company and the community.
The article then addresses the need to ask some questions. You want to make sure your statement is accurate and identifies you as who you are and what you want to accomplish.
Is it who you really are?
Don't make some pie in the sky statement that sounds good but is one that you could never live by. It is like an elevator speech and it is your turn to turn heads but be true to yourself.
Does it give value to the company, customers and community?
Make a statement! Start building your brand.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Identity not a Crisis
Are you having difficulty determining who you are as a leader? Do you find yourself being wishy-washy on your strengths and weaknesses? If you want others to take you seriously as a leader you have to create a Leadership Brand. You need to become recognizable as a leader, a household name, someone that people know to go to for your strengths.
I have been discussing this great article on leadership branding found at the Harvard Business Review. Go ahead and read it, I'll wait!
Now that you have read it we can discuss. I am taking each step each day and looking at them a little closer. I am also putting on my special twist to each step. Now that you have determined what it is you want to be known for hose together to really create for yourself your leadership identity.
Your leadership identity should be something that is exclusive to you. When others read it they will be able to recognize who it is. Just like products that have a brand you can tell what it is by what the product does.
I am defining each step with regard to the three Cs, company, customer and community. Your identity should be no different. You determined within each C how you want to be remembered now craft an identity to support what you want to do.
You now should have about six words that will define your identity. As in the article go ahead and put them into two word phrases.
Don't have a crisis you can do it.
I have been discussing this great article on leadership branding found at the Harvard Business Review. Go ahead and read it, I'll wait!
Now that you have read it we can discuss. I am taking each step each day and looking at them a little closer. I am also putting on my special twist to each step. Now that you have determined what it is you want to be known for hose together to really create for yourself your leadership identity.
Your leadership identity should be something that is exclusive to you. When others read it they will be able to recognize who it is. Just like products that have a brand you can tell what it is by what the product does.
I am defining each step with regard to the three Cs, company, customer and community. Your identity should be no different. You determined within each C how you want to be remembered now craft an identity to support what you want to do.
- Company - Look at the company's core values, do they match your core values? this would be a good time to match your values or identity with that of your company's. What you want to be known for within the circle start to create your identity from there along with the values of the company.
- Customers - What do you want to be remembered for from your customers? Start to create your identity around that legacy you will leave. To create this identity you should come up with two words under each of these Cs. Maybe under customers you came up with integrity and faithful.
- Community - Your co-workers and employees also need two words to identify yourself with them. It is possible that one of the things you wanted to be remembered for challenges you as a person. Make sure that gets in your identity because it will help your leadership brand.
You now should have about six words that will define your identity. As in the article go ahead and put them into two word phrases.
Don't have a crisis you can do it.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Right Remembrance
I hope you had a great and relaxing weekend. After a two blog break where I looked at some leisure activities you can do it is time to get back into the leadership discussion. I have been looking at five ways to create your leadership brand. It is an article written on the Harvard Business Review, I suggest you read it.
Today I am going to look at the second step, what do you want to be known for? As is my norm I will take this great article and put my own spin to it. We will be looking at each of the steps through the three Cs, company, customers, and community.
- Company – What do you want to do that will make an impact on your company. Look at the year ahead and as you plan what you want to do evaluate whether they will leave a lasting image for the company. You want to make sure that after you leave the company there will still be things the company remembers you by.
- Customers – Determine what you can do that will make an impact on your customers. What can you do that will leave them wanting more? Remember you are trying to create a brand. You want your customers to remember that brand in a positive way. What you do is how they will remember you.
- Community – Community are those in the rank and file, co-workers and employees. You need to leave them with a lasting memory. Make sure it is positive. Let them remember that you were a great leader. Make sure what you do is unique and will leave that impression.
What do you want to be known for? Think of some famous brands, what are they known for? Coca-cola, Nike, General Mills, and Mercedes Benz, are just a few of the millions of brands that are out there and recognizable for their products. Make sure you are the leader in your area and that you become the Mercedes Benz of what you do.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Picnic Pictures
Yesterday I talked about grilling and eating barbecue. Today as part of your weekend escape from the leadership rat race I would like to talk about an event that goes hand-in-hand with grilling, picnicking.
The weather is getting nicer and as you barbecue it may be a good idea to eat outside. Maybe you take your grilling to your special location. Do you have a favorite spot that you like to picnic? Here in Minnesota we have 10,000 lakes so the choices are almost endless.
My favorite place to go and take the family is to head to Minnehaha Falls. It is extremely beautiful and there are numerous picnic areas. There are paths to hike along and if you are ambitious you can hike to the Mississippi river.
Another great place that is local to the Twin Cities is the Coon Rapids dam. There is many picnic areas and you can walk across the river to the other side by crossing over the dam. Watching the power of the water is spectacular. My son wanted to go there during the winter that is how much he liked visiting the dam.
Hope you took some time to visit your favorite places for a picnic. Plan some special weekends and day trips taking your family to explore your wonderful state. Be sure when you do that you bring your favorite food to grill or eat during your visit. It is possible you like to visit state parks or national parks.
I would like to hear from you on some of the places you visit and picnic in your region or state.
The weather is getting nicer and as you barbecue it may be a good idea to eat outside. Maybe you take your grilling to your special location. Do you have a favorite spot that you like to picnic? Here in Minnesota we have 10,000 lakes so the choices are almost endless.
My favorite place to go and take the family is to head to Minnehaha Falls. It is extremely beautiful and there are numerous picnic areas. There are paths to hike along and if you are ambitious you can hike to the Mississippi river.

Hope you took some time to visit your favorite places for a picnic. Plan some special weekends and day trips taking your family to explore your wonderful state. Be sure when you do that you bring your favorite food to grill or eat during your visit. It is possible you like to visit state parks or national parks.
I would like to hear from you on some of the places you visit and picnic in your region or state.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Shrimp on the Barbie
Every weekend I have been exploring ways that you as a leader can escape the grind of the leadership life and find something relaxing to do. By the title of this post you might think it is about a trip to Australia, that might be nice but you probably can't do that in a weekend from most parts of the globe. Instead it is about one of the greatest summer time activities here in Minnesota, barbecuing.
What is your favorite grilling fare? Do you prefer gas or charcoal? Do you have a simple grill or a major cooking grill that allows you to create a whole meal on your grill.
I enjoy eating grilled food and I do enjoy grilling. My favorite things to eat on the grill are ribs, fish and pork chops. Nothing beats a rack of ribs that when done just fall off the bone . I love to have salmon on the grill because fish is my favorite but it is also about preparation. Sprinkle that salmon fillet with lemon pepper and grill it up and enjoy. I haven't done chops in a while but when I did I used to soak them in soy sauce before grilling them the flavor was very enjoyable.
I would like to hear from you. What do you like on the grill? Share some of you special preparations of your grill fare.
I prefer charcoal but that requires a little more prep time before using the grill. I also prefer a more simple grill. If you want to do it right though you should go with gas and get a larger grill that will be able to cook your whole meal.
Invite your friends or just your family but spend some time doing some outdoor cooking.
I would love to hear your grilling stories so please share so all my readers can enjoy.
What is your favorite grilling fare? Do you prefer gas or charcoal? Do you have a simple grill or a major cooking grill that allows you to create a whole meal on your grill.
I enjoy eating grilled food and I do enjoy grilling. My favorite things to eat on the grill are ribs, fish and pork chops. Nothing beats a rack of ribs that when done just fall off the bone . I love to have salmon on the grill because fish is my favorite but it is also about preparation. Sprinkle that salmon fillet with lemon pepper and grill it up and enjoy. I haven't done chops in a while but when I did I used to soak them in soy sauce before grilling them the flavor was very enjoyable.
I would like to hear from you. What do you like on the grill? Share some of you special preparations of your grill fare.
I prefer charcoal but that requires a little more prep time before using the grill. I also prefer a more simple grill. If you want to do it right though you should go with gas and get a larger grill that will be able to cook your whole meal.
Invite your friends or just your family but spend some time doing some outdoor cooking.
I would love to hear your grilling stories so please share so all my readers can enjoy.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Results Redux
Today I am going to look at step number one from the article "Define Your Personal Leadership Brand..." . Every year in January people make new years resolutions that by March are no longer being followed. I believe instead of make resolutions you should set goals. At the beginning of this year I did a blog series on goal setting. Refer back to that series for more on goal setting.
The first step to creating a leadership brand according to Norm Smallwood and Dave Ulrich is What results do you want to achieve next year? This is like goal setting it is determining what you want to accomplish in the upcoming year. What you need to do in regard to determining what you want to accomplish is to look at it through the eyes of the three Cs.
Company - Determine what you can do that will help make the company money. Also you will want to look at ways to help save the company money. Look at your role and evaluate areas your processes that will generate or save money.
Customers - Your customers may not be external people. Within your job determine who your customers are and what you can do to please them. It will go a long way in creating your leadership brand by pleasing and meeting the needs of your customers.
Community - Look around you, your co-workers or your employees, they are your community. What can you do to strengthen your brand with your community? What can you do to create results within your community?
Building that leadership brand means delivering and producing results to these three components of your world. Create those results and start building your brand.
The first step to creating a leadership brand according to Norm Smallwood and Dave Ulrich is What results do you want to achieve next year? This is like goal setting it is determining what you want to accomplish in the upcoming year. What you need to do in regard to determining what you want to accomplish is to look at it through the eyes of the three Cs.
- Company - What will you do to make the company successful this year.
- Customers - What will you do that will help the customers.
- Community - What will you do to help those around you.
Company - Determine what you can do that will help make the company money. Also you will want to look at ways to help save the company money. Look at your role and evaluate areas your processes that will generate or save money.
Customers - Your customers may not be external people. Within your job determine who your customers are and what you can do to please them. It will go a long way in creating your leadership brand by pleasing and meeting the needs of your customers.
Community - Look around you, your co-workers or your employees, they are your community. What can you do to strengthen your brand with your community? What can you do to create results within your community?
Building that leadership brand means delivering and producing results to these three components of your world. Create those results and start building your brand.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Leadership Branding
Today and for five days after, excluding the weekend I am going to look at and dissect the idea of leadership branding. I found the following article by the Harvard Business Review and it gives five easy steps to setting up a personal leadership brand.
Leaders need to have a way to set themselves apart from other leaders. A way that will match your strengths to your career. A way to show others your leadership power and what you can do with that power.
The five steps Norm Smallwood identifies are the following:
I will look closer at these five items and put my own personal spin on each one. When someone thinks of branding they think of products but leaders are products they are selling their skills and knowledge to the company, customers and community. You want a brand that will reach each of these.
Tomorrow we will look at the first step.
Leaders need to have a way to set themselves apart from other leaders. A way that will match your strengths to your career. A way to show others your leadership power and what you can do with that power.
The five steps Norm Smallwood identifies are the following:
- What results do you want to achieve in the next year?
- What do you wish to be known for?
- Define your identity.
- Construct your leadership brand statement, then test it.
- Make your brand identity real.
I will look closer at these five items and put my own personal spin on each one. When someone thinks of branding they think of products but leaders are products they are selling their skills and knowledge to the company, customers and community. You want a brand that will reach each of these.
Tomorrow we will look at the first step.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Servant Leadership
Over the past five days, not including the weekend, I have been looking at servant leadership and the ultimate servant leader, Jesus. What are some things you can do to become that servant leader. First of all let's remember that Jesus performed many miracles as a servant leader. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind and fed 5000 with just a meager child's lunch. We can't come close to doing the things Jesus did but if we seek first His kingdom and righteousness He will be able to help us in all that we do.
The first step to servant leadership is to humble yourself to God. Here is what we looked at this week and how they can help you become a servant leader.
- Washing Feet - Serve first then lead later.
- Ransom Note - Give your live a ransom and serve others.
- Socialization - Dig in and interact with your employees.
- Attitude - Serve with Attitude. Have the attitude of a servant leader, always willing to give.
- Secret - Serve in silence and reap your higher calling reward.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
It's a Secret
Everyday during your work, jobs and deeds go unnoticed. Sometimes even a job well done will go unrecognized. How does that make you feel? It can be difficult doing a task that will take you over and above what is expected of you and no one recognizes you for it. We continue our look at servant leadership.
Today's verse:
Matthew 6:3-4 But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.
Another sign of a true servant leader is someone who gives and gives and gives but never wants recognition. It is like those people who give an anonymous gift and ask nothing in return. They don't want the accolades or the praise they just want to know that they did something right.
When you work you are working for money so your reward is your pay. Within that job however you may find yourself going above and beyond. Sometimes you might even find yourself wondering why no one is praising you for the extra work you are doing. A servant leader can't worry about that. They just want to serve. By serving they are leading they are showing humility.
Leaders must be careful not to grasp onto the power that is around them but instead embrace the quietness of giving by secretly serving. If you are going to volunteer to do something do you announce it so everyone knows? Don't make a big scene out of doing your job or even if you volunteer. Jesus didn't walk around saying "I am going to heal this man" He would just do it and let his deeds speak for themselves. Leaders need to do the same.
Questions to Ponder:
Am I serving without looking for some reward?
In what ways can I serve privately on my job?
Serve in silence and reap the higher calling reward.
Today's verse:
Matthew 6:3-4 But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.
Another sign of a true servant leader is someone who gives and gives and gives but never wants recognition. It is like those people who give an anonymous gift and ask nothing in return. They don't want the accolades or the praise they just want to know that they did something right.
When you work you are working for money so your reward is your pay. Within that job however you may find yourself going above and beyond. Sometimes you might even find yourself wondering why no one is praising you for the extra work you are doing. A servant leader can't worry about that. They just want to serve. By serving they are leading they are showing humility.
Leaders must be careful not to grasp onto the power that is around them but instead embrace the quietness of giving by secretly serving. If you are going to volunteer to do something do you announce it so everyone knows? Don't make a big scene out of doing your job or even if you volunteer. Jesus didn't walk around saying "I am going to heal this man" He would just do it and let his deeds speak for themselves. Leaders need to do the same.
Questions to Ponder:
Am I serving without looking for some reward?
In what ways can I serve privately on my job?
Serve in silence and reap the higher calling reward.
Servant leader,
Monday, April 09, 2012
It's All About Attitude
Today we continue our series on Servant leadership and the comparisons to Jesus. Jesus was the ultimate servant leader and it is His examples of servant leadership that we can embrace and follow.
Today's verse:
Philippians 2:5-7 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men."
Jesus took on the attitude of a servant. He knew that in order to help us He had to become one of us. He humbled Himself and became a leader by serving. We have to take on that same attitude. Often leaders will exalt themselves above their employees and deem tasks too menial to do. Until the leader feels what it is like to be in that position they can't help the employees be successful.
Leaders can feel the pain of what it is like by having the attitude of their employees. You might say someone needs to lead. I think when a leader has a servant attitude then they are leading because they are showing others what it takes to serve. Then through that serving people will find success.
Think of a time when you served. When you did how did you feel after serving? Did you learn anything during that time of serving? My most satisfying jobs have been those in which I served others. It can be a customer service position, nursing, teaching or a number of other positions that can be construed as service positions. Those are the ones that can sometimes be the most satisfying.
Questions to Ponder:
What is my attitude? Power hungry leader or Servant leader.
What can I do in my job that displays a servant leadership attitude?
Serve with attitude!!
Today's verse:
Philippians 2:5-7 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men."
Jesus took on the attitude of a servant. He knew that in order to help us He had to become one of us. He humbled Himself and became a leader by serving. We have to take on that same attitude. Often leaders will exalt themselves above their employees and deem tasks too menial to do. Until the leader feels what it is like to be in that position they can't help the employees be successful.
Leaders can feel the pain of what it is like by having the attitude of their employees. You might say someone needs to lead. I think when a leader has a servant attitude then they are leading because they are showing others what it takes to serve. Then through that serving people will find success.
Think of a time when you served. When you did how did you feel after serving? Did you learn anything during that time of serving? My most satisfying jobs have been those in which I served others. It can be a customer service position, nursing, teaching or a number of other positions that can be construed as service positions. Those are the ones that can sometimes be the most satisfying.
Questions to Ponder:
What is my attitude? Power hungry leader or Servant leader.
What can I do in my job that displays a servant leadership attitude?
Serve with attitude!!
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Empty Tomb
Today is Easter. The most important holiday for Christians. It is the day the Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. Without His resurrection His death on the cross would have meant nothing. As the saying goes "He is risen, He is risen indeed". Today is a day about joy that Jesus is alive and He has paid the price for our sins.
Take time today to spend at church reflecting on what Jesus did for you. It is also a great day to spend with family and friends. Many kids across the globe will be hunting for Easter baskets and eggs (no connection to the empty tomb). The egg part is fun if you are a kid. Make sure to keep things in perspective.
Your leadership should take a backseat today to the leadership of Christ. He was a great leader by serving us and giving His life for us. Enjoy that and enjoy your family today. Hopefully you will feast around the table enjoying the food and the company.
Take your mind off of all that leadership work you have been doing and enjoy the warmth of your family and the bright smiles of children. We spent some time on Saturday coloring eggs. The kids enjoy it and it is fun to see that as they get older they get more creative with their coloring of the eggs.
Here are some photos of my kid's egg coloring.
Take time today to spend at church reflecting on what Jesus did for you. It is also a great day to spend with family and friends. Many kids across the globe will be hunting for Easter baskets and eggs (no connection to the empty tomb). The egg part is fun if you are a kid. Make sure to keep things in perspective.
Your leadership should take a backseat today to the leadership of Christ. He was a great leader by serving us and giving His life for us. Enjoy that and enjoy your family today. Hopefully you will feast around the table enjoying the food and the company.
Take your mind off of all that leadership work you have been doing and enjoy the warmth of your family and the bright smiles of children. We spent some time on Saturday coloring eggs. The kids enjoy it and it is fun to see that as they get older they get more creative with their coloring of the eggs.
Here are some photos of my kid's egg coloring.
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Green Jackets
This weekend it is time to relax and watch some golf. One of the greatest golf events ever will be on this weekend and it is a good time to remove yourself from the leadership grind and watch the Masters.
For the past few years I have been involved in best ball fantasy golf on ESPN.com you get to pick four golfers and you can switch out after each round if you want. It is only for the four majors. That makes this weekend the first tournament to participate in. It gives me a little vested interest in watching and making sure my golfers are doing well.
It is also that time of year when the weather is getting nicer, especially here in Minnesota. Then you can go out and play a round of golf. This weekend relax and enjoy watching the Masters. If watching golf isn't your thing maybe paying is more enjoyable.
Who is your favorite golfer? Are you still a Woods fan, hoping to see him break Jack's record for majors? Are you a fan of Phil who made a charge today and is in the hunt. Or do you prefer a newcomer or one of the youngsters? Whoever you are rooting for it is always a pleasure to watch the Masters and watch the drama unfold.
It is almost like leadership. Sometimes leaders need to play it safe or take a risk. Sometimes they have to step aside and let a youngster take over. This weekend is not the time to reflect on golf and leadership. Instead it is a time to just enjoy the beauty of the game.
For the past few years I have been involved in best ball fantasy golf on ESPN.com you get to pick four golfers and you can switch out after each round if you want. It is only for the four majors. That makes this weekend the first tournament to participate in. It gives me a little vested interest in watching and making sure my golfers are doing well.
It is also that time of year when the weather is getting nicer, especially here in Minnesota. Then you can go out and play a round of golf. This weekend relax and enjoy watching the Masters. If watching golf isn't your thing maybe paying is more enjoyable.
Taken by me at the PGA Championship at Hazeltine |
It is almost like leadership. Sometimes leaders need to play it safe or take a risk. Sometimes they have to step aside and let a youngster take over. This weekend is not the time to reflect on golf and leadership. Instead it is a time to just enjoy the beauty of the game.
Friday, April 06, 2012
We are looking at Servant Leadership by examining the life of Jesus and how He was a servant leader.
Today's verse:
Luke 5:29 - 30 "Then Levi gave Him a great feast in his own house. And there were a great number of tax collectors and others who sat down with them. And their scribes and the Pharisees complained against His disciples, saying "Why do You eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?""
In these verses Jesus is socializing with sinners. The low-lifes of society. That is why Jesus was here on earth to save those who were lost. To reach out to those low-lifes and let them know that they could live the high life if they just followed Him.
So how does this relate to servant leadership? Sometimes leaders have to do things they don't like. Sometimes a leader has to take on a menial task to complete a project or get the job done. Sometimes leaders need to do something they don't like to do.
When a leader avoids these situations they are sending a message to their followers that they are better than this task and that they are above doing these types of chores. A servant leader is willing to get down and do what it takes to get the job done. Maybe it is filling in for a sick employee or working late with your employees to complete a project.Servant leaders do these things, regular leaders do not.
Jesus was a servant leader because He was willing to do what it took to get the job done. Even if it meant socializing with the low-lifes. When Jesus did this He was able to connect with the people and they respected Him for it. However the upper management didn't think He should be socializing with the lower class.
A servant leader not only gets their hands dirty but does so by working with the regular employees. Serving the employees and the company to make sure everyone is successful.
Questions to Ponder:
Do I think I am above doing the tasks of my employees?
What are some ways I can serve my employees?
You are a better leader if you can show your employees that no job is too small or unimportant.
Don't be prideful, be a servant leader.
Today's verse:
Luke 5:29 - 30 "Then Levi gave Him a great feast in his own house. And there were a great number of tax collectors and others who sat down with them. And their scribes and the Pharisees complained against His disciples, saying "Why do You eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?""
In these verses Jesus is socializing with sinners. The low-lifes of society. That is why Jesus was here on earth to save those who were lost. To reach out to those low-lifes and let them know that they could live the high life if they just followed Him.
So how does this relate to servant leadership? Sometimes leaders have to do things they don't like. Sometimes a leader has to take on a menial task to complete a project or get the job done. Sometimes leaders need to do something they don't like to do.
When a leader avoids these situations they are sending a message to their followers that they are better than this task and that they are above doing these types of chores. A servant leader is willing to get down and do what it takes to get the job done. Maybe it is filling in for a sick employee or working late with your employees to complete a project.Servant leaders do these things, regular leaders do not.
Jesus was a servant leader because He was willing to do what it took to get the job done. Even if it meant socializing with the low-lifes. When Jesus did this He was able to connect with the people and they respected Him for it. However the upper management didn't think He should be socializing with the lower class.
A servant leader not only gets their hands dirty but does so by working with the regular employees. Serving the employees and the company to make sure everyone is successful.
Questions to Ponder:
Do I think I am above doing the tasks of my employees?
What are some ways I can serve my employees?
You are a better leader if you can show your employees that no job is too small or unimportant.
Don't be prideful, be a servant leader.
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Ransom Note
Servant leadership, the style that seems contrary to being a leader but the one that is the most satisfying for everyone involved. I started yesterday with a deeper dive into Servant leadership and specifically Jesus as the ultimate servant leader.
Today's verse: Matthew 20:27-28
"And whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your slave-- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many."
These words were spoken by Jesus to his disciples. He was showing them that it is more important to serve than to be served. Another important aspect of servant leadership is that of the humble leader. The person who is willing to give it up for the people the person who is will to take a hit or pay the price to save those around them.
Leadership really isn't about being the best or the greatest. It isn't about lording over those around you or puffing up in pride to show how great a leader you are. On the contrary, leadership is about humbling yourself and being willing to go to bat for your people. Jesus ultimately gave His life so that we all could be saved. he paid the ransom note with his life instead of making us take the punishment for our sins.
Leaders in business need to realize that they are their to help the company be successful. If that means taking the heat for something your people did than so be it. Ultimately if you are a leader and you manage others you are responsible for their actions. If they mess up the leader should take responsibility and then make sure the person is properly trained.
Jesus was referring in this verse that those who really want to be great should serve others. Serving is the ultimate gesture to greatness. But serving must also be done with a humble heart and no ulterior motives.
Give your life a ransom for many and serve!!
Questions to ponder:
Who can I serve that will make them a better employee or person?
Do I desire greatness? What can I do to serve?
Lord help me be humble and have a servant attitude.
Today's verse: Matthew 20:27-28
"And whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your slave-- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many."
These words were spoken by Jesus to his disciples. He was showing them that it is more important to serve than to be served. Another important aspect of servant leadership is that of the humble leader. The person who is willing to give it up for the people the person who is will to take a hit or pay the price to save those around them.
Leadership really isn't about being the best or the greatest. It isn't about lording over those around you or puffing up in pride to show how great a leader you are. On the contrary, leadership is about humbling yourself and being willing to go to bat for your people. Jesus ultimately gave His life so that we all could be saved. he paid the ransom note with his life instead of making us take the punishment for our sins.
Leaders in business need to realize that they are their to help the company be successful. If that means taking the heat for something your people did than so be it. Ultimately if you are a leader and you manage others you are responsible for their actions. If they mess up the leader should take responsibility and then make sure the person is properly trained.
Jesus was referring in this verse that those who really want to be great should serve others. Serving is the ultimate gesture to greatness. But serving must also be done with a humble heart and no ulterior motives.
Give your life a ransom for many and serve!!
Questions to ponder:
Who can I serve that will make them a better employee or person?
Do I desire greatness? What can I do to serve?
Lord help me be humble and have a servant attitude.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Washing Feet
During the next several days I am going to take a closer look at servant leadership. Specifically I am going to look at the ultimate servant leader, Jesus. During these blogs I am going to give you a verse and then I will look at those verses and how they relate to servant leadership.
John 13:5 "After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the desciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded."
Feet are not the prettiest appendage. Back in Jesus time feet were a major way to get around so it isn't surprising that the feet were quite filthy and needed to be washed. Most people didn't wash other people's feet. Back during this time footwashing was usually reserved for the lowliest of menial servants. In these verses we see Jesus washing the feet of those who were following Him.
How does this relate to servant leadership? According to Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership "Servant leadership is a persons desire or need to serve first then lead later". It is that opportunity to find something to do for other people and not be so self serving. Hours before he was going to be turned over to the authorities and put to death Jesus found it in his heart to serve. He knelt down and served those who were following Him.
Leaders today need to find ways to serve those that follow them. Leadership isn't this great big self serving concept. It really comes down to the ability to find ways to help others despite your circumstances. For Example: A leader of a company finds out that s/he is being let go. Some might take that as a personal affront and have animosity toward the company. Instead I suggest they find ways to make sure those who follow are equipped and ready to proceed without him/her. That is what Jesus was doing He was equipping His disciples with clean feet so they could take the gospel to all corners and be ready to be leaders after Jesus left.
Some questions to ponder:
Are you a foot washing leader? (Are you equipping your people to be leaders)
What are some ways you can serve those who follow you?
Ask God to give you the wisdom needed to be a foot washing leader.
John 13:5 "After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the desciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded."
Feet are not the prettiest appendage. Back in Jesus time feet were a major way to get around so it isn't surprising that the feet were quite filthy and needed to be washed. Most people didn't wash other people's feet. Back during this time footwashing was usually reserved for the lowliest of menial servants. In these verses we see Jesus washing the feet of those who were following Him.
How does this relate to servant leadership? According to Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership "Servant leadership is a persons desire or need to serve first then lead later". It is that opportunity to find something to do for other people and not be so self serving. Hours before he was going to be turned over to the authorities and put to death Jesus found it in his heart to serve. He knelt down and served those who were following Him.
Leaders today need to find ways to serve those that follow them. Leadership isn't this great big self serving concept. It really comes down to the ability to find ways to help others despite your circumstances. For Example: A leader of a company finds out that s/he is being let go. Some might take that as a personal affront and have animosity toward the company. Instead I suggest they find ways to make sure those who follow are equipped and ready to proceed without him/her. That is what Jesus was doing He was equipping His disciples with clean feet so they could take the gospel to all corners and be ready to be leaders after Jesus left.
Some questions to ponder:
Are you a foot washing leader? (Are you equipping your people to be leaders)
What are some ways you can serve those who follow you?
Ask God to give you the wisdom needed to be a foot washing leader.
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
The Real Superheroes
I have been spending some time examining leadership through the powers of Superheroes. It has been fun and has given me material for a training session on leadership. To finish this series on leadership and superheroes I would like to address those superheroes who live among us.
Back on September 11th 2001 when terrorists flew airplanes into the twin towers those firefighters and policeman who came to the rescue are the true heroes. They unselfishly risked their lives to save others. Maybe you know one of those firefighters or police officers. Firefighters and police officers risk their lives everyday to save others. This is true leadership.
That is what a real superhero does. They give of themselves sacrificially to help others. They lead by doing and not wanting recognition. They humble themselves to make others better.
Are you a super hero leader? Are you the type of leader who is willing to do what it takes to make sure others are successful. Those superhero leaders are servant leaders. I have looked at servant leadership but I only spent one day on servant leadership. It is my belief that it requires a deeper focus.
I am going to spend the next several days taking a closer look at servant leadership. It is the leadership style of Jesus. Sit back and reflect how you can be a servant leader as you read and enjoy my blog.
Back on September 11th 2001 when terrorists flew airplanes into the twin towers those firefighters and policeman who came to the rescue are the true heroes. They unselfishly risked their lives to save others. Maybe you know one of those firefighters or police officers. Firefighters and police officers risk their lives everyday to save others. This is true leadership.
That is what a real superhero does. They give of themselves sacrificially to help others. They lead by doing and not wanting recognition. They humble themselves to make others better.
Are you a super hero leader? Are you the type of leader who is willing to do what it takes to make sure others are successful. Those superhero leaders are servant leaders. I have looked at servant leadership but I only spent one day on servant leadership. It is my belief that it requires a deeper focus.
I am going to spend the next several days taking a closer look at servant leadership. It is the leadership style of Jesus. Sit back and reflect how you can be a servant leader as you read and enjoy my blog.
Monday, April 02, 2012
It's What's Inside
After a two day break looking at our leisureship as we have been doing every weekend it is time to get back to the leadership discussion. I would like to continue with my look at "Superhero Leadership". I have really been enjoying writing this series and I would love to hear your input. If you get a chance after reading this please let me know what you think. Take a look back on the previous ones I have written.
What is the connection between Wolverine and a leader. Wolverine really isn't much of a leader in fact he despises authority and is more like a lone wolf. What we really are going to look at is the inside of the leader. Just like people may not know that Wolverine has the metal alloy attached to his skeleton people may not know the character of many leaders. They may not know the inside of the leader.
It is important that your character, that personality inside of you shows through. Who are you really as a leader? If things don't go your way do you extend those claws and bark at everyone around you? Do you have compassion for those around you and are you able to show that compassion in your leadership?
Deep down Wolverine had compassion he cared for others despite his persona of toughness. You can be a tough leader but still have compassion and care for those around you. Leaders should want to see those around them succeed because it makes them a better leader. Wolverine was good as a lone superhero but was better when he joined the Xmen and later when he joined the Avengers.
Don't let that hard exterior scare people off allow yourself to show your true self and your compassionate leadership qualities. Character isn't what is on the outside but it is what is on the inside.
- Spiderman - Responsibility
- Superman - Weaknesses
- Batman - Using the resources around you.
- Ironman - How you present yourself

It is important that your character, that personality inside of you shows through. Who are you really as a leader? If things don't go your way do you extend those claws and bark at everyone around you? Do you have compassion for those around you and are you able to show that compassion in your leadership?
Deep down Wolverine had compassion he cared for others despite his persona of toughness. You can be a tough leader but still have compassion and care for those around you. Leaders should want to see those around them succeed because it makes them a better leader. Wolverine was good as a lone superhero but was better when he joined the Xmen and later when he joined the Avengers.
Don't let that hard exterior scare people off allow yourself to show your true self and your compassionate leadership qualities. Character isn't what is on the outside but it is what is on the inside.
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Saving Memories
Now that you have spent some time taking photos what do you do with those photos. It used to be you had to take the film in to get developed and then you would get your pictures back and most people put them in boxes. Some put them in albums. This day and age of digital photography people are leaving them on the camera, their computer or a disk. Many people don't do anything with those pictures.
Maybe you are the type of person who likes to create memory books or scrapbooks so you have your trips, special occasions or family photos organized into a neat little book. If so maybe spend some of your leisure time this weekend creating those memory books.
My daughter loves to create memory books on Shutterfly and she has done a couple of them. She is very good and putting those photos together and creating a caption. Personally I think it is much easier to do the memory book at Shutterfly than it is to sit down and scrapbook with scissors and paper. There are however many people who love this type of memory making and it can be a great way to escape the rat race of leadership.
There are a number of sites for scrap booking that are available since I am not an expert I would like my readers to chime in and supply some good scrapbook sites. Leave a comment with your favorite scrapbook site and others will be able to read it.
There are also a number of websites like Shutterfly and memory books are not the only thing they allow you to create. You can put photos on a number of things including greeting cards and announcements. There is a new site available. They don't allow you to create memory books but if you are in need of announcements, greeting cards or invitations try Wishing Tree Designs. It is created by the company I work for and we have a family and friends deal going on. After you visit the site let me know what you think.
Maybe you are the type of person who likes to create memory books or scrapbooks so you have your trips, special occasions or family photos organized into a neat little book. If so maybe spend some of your leisure time this weekend creating those memory books.
My daughter loves to create memory books on Shutterfly and she has done a couple of them. She is very good and putting those photos together and creating a caption. Personally I think it is much easier to do the memory book at Shutterfly than it is to sit down and scrapbook with scissors and paper. There are however many people who love this type of memory making and it can be a great way to escape the rat race of leadership.
There are a number of sites for scrap booking that are available since I am not an expert I would like my readers to chime in and supply some good scrapbook sites. Leave a comment with your favorite scrapbook site and others will be able to read it.
There are also a number of websites like Shutterfly and memory books are not the only thing they allow you to create. You can put photos on a number of things including greeting cards and announcements. There is a new site available. They don't allow you to create memory books but if you are in need of announcements, greeting cards or invitations try Wishing Tree Designs. It is created by the company I work for and we have a family and friends deal going on. After you visit the site let me know what you think.
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