Tuesday, January 03, 2012

M is for Measurable

Today we are going to tackle the M in the SMART goals. M stands for Measurable. Simply put your goal needs to be able to be measured. If you can't measure the progress and how it is going for you it will become too easy to give up and quit.

How do you know if your goal is measurable. Take a look at the ones you wrote down yesterday when you made them specific. Are these specific goals measurable.  Are you able to track the progress of your goal and is there an ultimate end in sight?

For example if you had the goal of losing weight first of all that is not very specific but it is also not measurable. You haven't listed an end date or an amount of pounds. As I said yesterday being vague about your goals will increase your chance of failure. Be sure that you are able to see progress along the way. That will help encourage you to reach that goal.

Use this slogan when designing your goal to help you remember the M. "Make it Measurable and Measure the Makeable"

Tomorrow we will look at the A in SMART.

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