Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This week we are looking at how to give good business presentations by looking at the principle of Sowing and Reaping. Yesterday we looked at the S in SOW which stood for substance. Today we will look at the O. The O stands for Ownership. Anytime you have an idea or project and you are giving a presentation on the idea you want to take ownership. You want to show that ownership in your presentation. Take that idea and show that you are the owner of the idea.

You can show ownership in your presentations by showing the following three things.
  • You are the driver - Show that you will take ownership of what you are presenting. Show your knowledge and that you will be the leader of the project.
  • Road Map to Success - Show exactly how you the driver has a plan in place to make this project a success. Show how you will get from the infancy of the project to the successful culmination.
  • Passengers - Show who will be the key players in the project. Who are you taking along for the ride. Make sure they know that you have thought of department.
When presenting the Ownership portion of SOW you really need to sell them on the fact that you will be the driver of the project and that you have laid out everything for success. If you don't do that your presentation will fall flat.

Tomorrow we will look at the W.

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