Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year, New You?

It is 2012 and I suppose everyone is blogging about new year resolutions. Of course many are also making new year resolutions and others right now 1 day into 2012 have broken their new year resolution. The problem with so many being broken so quickly is that while the definition of resolution is a strong and firm definition most people take it as just a suggestion or an idea. Thus making it more difficult to be resolve in adhering to the resolution.

If we are going to make resolutions we need to be firm in what they are. We need to write them down and we need to keep that vision in front of us. Instead of calling them resolutions make them goals for the year. Make sure your goals are SMART goals, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Trackable. For example don't just day you are going to lose weight this year. Make it a goal to lose weight and put a specific weight that you want to get to and put a plan in place on how you will achieve that goal.

One of my goals for the year is to blog everyday. so for the next week I am going to breakdown each specific part of a SMART goal hopefully it will help all of us to achieve our goals in 2012.

When you are reading my blog this week have a word document open so you can start to put your SMART goals in writing as we build our goals for 2012.

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