Friday, January 06, 2012

T is for Trackable

Hopefully for all of you it has been a great week of goal setting for 2012. Today we will be looking at the final letter in SMART.

The T stands for trackable or timely. When setting that goal make sure you have an end point to accomplish the goal. Let's look at our weight loss example, instead of saying you want to lose 20 pounds put a date that you want to lose those 20 pounds. Lose 20 pounds by April first. Maybe something is happening in April and you want to look your best so you set that as a timeframe.

What this does is helps you focus on the goal gives you something to strive for and an end in sight as you work toward that goal. It also allows you to track the progress of how you are doing. Twenty pounds by April will allow you to weigh yourself every week and know that you are making progree toward your goal. Of course be sure when you set that time to complete your goal that you also follow the SMAR portion as well. You could set a goal and an end date that is not reasonable then you will never reach that goal.

All of the ideas in SMART goals work together to make your goal setting a success. Tomorrow I'll be back to summarize the goal setting. I would like to hear from each of you on how your goals for 2012 are coming along.

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