Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fish Stories

All over the land of 10,000 lakes angles grabbed their fishing equipment and headed for their favorite fishing hole. Today was the 2012 fishing opener in Minnesota an annual right for all fisherman in the state. I am not a big fisherman although I have enjoyed time fishing and I do enjoy it but I am not a die hard who needs to go out on fishing opener.

You might be a leader who enjoys fishing. If that is the case I hope you are spending some relaxing hours on one of the 10,000 lakes we have in Minnesota. Today was an absolute gorgeous day. It may not have been ideal for fishing but it was ideal for relaxing in a boat and enjoying the blue sky and bright sunshine.

Fishing can be a great way to relax and get away from the weekly grind. It is even enjoyable if you don't even catch anything. I am guessing for each one of you who reads my blog you have a fish story to tell. Tell about the one that got away or the one that didn't. Did you mount it on your wall? I love eating fish and I really love eating walleye. Unfortunately I have never caught a walleye. I do have two fish stories to tell and neither involve fish.

When I used to fish on a regular basis my oldest daughter who is now 28 was about 3 and we had gone out on a pontoon. We were all fishing and involved in trying to catch some fish when we turned around and my daughter had two fistfuls of leeches squirming through her fingers. She had opened the leech pail and was enjoying herself as she played with the leeches.

My next story involves a trip to San Diego. I was there on business and we had a Saturday stay over to my boss and I decided to go deep sea fishing. We paid our money for a 9 hour venture on the pacific with many other people. Needless to say I never dropped a line in the water as I spent the better part of the 9 hours blowing chunks into the ocean. I told people I was chumming to attract the fish. I really wanted to catch a nice size tuna. My boss didn't catch anything but he also didn't get sick.

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