Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Technology Leadership

After a great three day weekend it is back to the leadership discussion.  Today and for the next several days I am going to look at leadership and technology. I will look at the relationship between leaders and the technology they use.
This is a world full of new technology, technology that just 10-20 years ago was non-existent. Some questions to ask as we look at leadership and technology. Are leaders better leaders with the new technology? Can leaders continue to adapt and progress quickly with the new technology? What technology can be used by leaders to make leading easier? Does the leadership style make a difference in the technology used?
As I progress through this leadership series I hope you will share with me your thoughts on technology and leadership. The late Steve Jobs a revolutionary leader in technology did such a good job at presenting that he could probably tell us a rock was the next big thing and people would buy it. I will also look at those leaders in the tech world and whether they are good or bad leaders. Does the leader selling or presenting the technology make a difference in the adaptation of technology?
Cell phones, Ipods, Ipads, Iphones, smartphones, Social media, laptops and tablets are just some of the many technology opportunities at a leaders disposal. I will look at these and possibly others to determine whether it makes a difference?
What devices do you use as a leader?

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