Monday, May 21, 2012

Second Chance

Baseball is a great game. It is also my favorite game. From baseball we can learn a lot of life lessons. I have been comparing each position in baseball with that of a person you would need for a project team.
As a leader you have been given the task to compile a quality team to work on a project. That team should be well rounded and should represent all areas of the company. In baseball each position requires unique skills and those skills are used to create a great baseball team.  In my comparison I am not concerned with hitting that is over and above the fielding.
Today we are looking at your project team second baseman. A second baseman in baseball must be good at the following items to be a good fielding second baseman. They must be able to turn a double play, they must be able to handle the cutoff and get the ball back in quickly.  They also need to be able to apply a good tag on stolen bases.
How does this apply to you compiling a leadership team?
Your project second baseman must have the following qualities:
  • Turn the double play – Your team player must be able to recognize 2 for 1s. Be able to negotiate those 2 for 1s and turn them quickly into wins for the project team.
  • Handle the cutoff – The project second baseman must be able to handle questions from outside the group and relay them to the group quickly and accurately. You will need that liaison between the project group and the rest of the company.  The second baseman is your person for that role.
  • Apply the tag – Your second baseman must be able to apply the tag. That means when situations get out of control they are able to stop problems from happening. They can apply a quick tag to the issue and be able to move on.
To date you should have a pitcher, catcher, first baseman and now a second baseman. Your project team is shaping up well no seconds in this group each one of them will bring quality skills to your team.

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